Good Stuff : Clean Beauty

Today’s post aims to continue our good habits series that we started in January. And if you like mixing up potions, check out our favorite green cleaning resource.

In this month’s welcome post, Sarah mentioned that we’re focusing on taking care of ourselves this month. For us, one of the best ways that we can keep our spirits high is to make sure we’re checking all of the boxes > eating nutritious foods, exercising, stimulating our brains, strengthening our friendships, and pampering ourselves with a bit of DIY skin-care.

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Activated Charcoal Deodorant

When feasible, we like to experiment with our own beauty potions. You can find a bunch here, from lip balms to face masks to foot scrubs!

We like our deodorants simple and effective. With their long ingredient lists, it can be hard to find simple deodorants in the beauty section. And when we do find something that’s simple and often “natural” it’s often not as effective as we want it to be. Admittedly, that goes for our own DIY blends too.


But we aren’t throwing in the towel yet, and today we have a new blend that we’re excited to share!

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