Three Days in Barcelona: Hotel, Travel Guides, the Bus!

This post is about our first visit to Barcelona in 2022. Since that visit, we’ve now returned to Barcelona for three weeks. You can find all of our Barcelona posts here. Last August I spent three days in Barcelona and loved every minute of it! Come along for a virtual get-away as I relive our […]

Cuppow + Holdster: The Best Travel Mug

With the new year, we’re starting a new weekly series called “Waste Less Wednesdays.” Our passion for preserving Mather Nature is strong, but we recognize that we live in a consumer-driven society. As such, we try to be honest with ourselves about our own consumption, our needs vs. wants, and the opportunities that we have […]

Travel Vaccinations

We have a whole ton of travel tips here. Travel vaccinations. What’s the deal? Do you need them? Should you get them? Are they expensive? I get these questions pretty often. The short answer for all is, it depends. You should always be up on your routine vaccinations. There is no debate about that. As for […]

5 Tips For Traveling with a Partner (and enjoying it)

We’re big on travel. This you know. Last week we shared some traveling tips for the solo female and today we’re talking couples.Remeber these two who went on a 21 day first dates across Europe with no luggage?! My guy and I had a ten day first date ourselves. Suffice to say it went pretty swell. […]

Plane Travel with Toddlers

I wrote this post two years ago, but never hit publish. Because, honestly, I asked myself if the world really does need more tips for plane travel with kids. But since we’re about to hop on our first 10 hour flight today (holy moly!), I figured that today was the day to share my bits […]

Top Five Travel Snacks

A whole post dedicated to snacks. Silly? NOPE! I’ve done it before besides, I’m the grumpiest grump when I’m hungry, not only that, but I’m pretty much incapable of any sound thinking let alone making a decision so snacks are important. We need to talk about them. I conferred with my buddy Erin, who joined me […]