5 Tips For Traveling with a Partner (and enjoying it)

live seasoned traveling with a partner

We’re big on travel. This you know. Last week we shared some traveling tips for the solo female and today we’re talking couples.Remeber these two who went on a 21 day first dates across Europe with no luggage?! My guy and I had a ten day first date ourselves. Suffice to say it went pretty swell. Traveling with your boo is so much fun!

Unless you’re hangry. Or tired. Or broke. Or sunburned. Or hungover. Or totally sober and well rested and fed. Somehow even then traveling can be rough. We’ve compiled a few tips for those trips for two. Want to know why this photo is upsidedown?* See bottom of the post.

Before you head out on your next epic adventure just remember that teensy nugget. Travel is tough. Yes, it’s super fun, but that’s mostly because of the challenges that are presented and overcome during the trip. Think back to your most memorable adventures and you’ll remember the trying moments and then the triumphant ones, so this is me saying be easy on your partner! They’re just trying to survive and thrive like you. Now let’s set ourselves up for loving them even when it’s hard to remember how. Here are five tips for traveling with a partner.

1. Set Similar / Complimentary Expectations During The Planning Phase

Talk through what you want your days to look and feel like before you take the trip. Expectations have a way of messing up everything, in pretty much any situation in life. Think about it? Whenever you’re upset it is because reality didn’t meet expectation. The best way to combat that is to a) not have expectations or b) at least set a similar standard with each other. That way you will both be equally pissed off or ecstatic when reality does its thang aka whatever the fuck it pleases. For instance, is your expectation to climb the entire Himalayan mountain range? Or to go for one hike a day and enjoy lots of cups of tea? Very different, equally admirable, just make sure yours match up or compliment each Continue reading