Slowcooker Chili (with coffee!)

Coffee is our ingredient of the season. You can find our favorite cold-brewed coffee here. But if you’re in a rush, try this instant hit.

When choosing coffee as our featured ingredient, I knew that I wanted to use it in a few ways that were outside of my comfort zone. And using it in today’s chili recipe is definitely one of those examples! chili3 I love a good savory chili, but I was worried that the addition of coffee would add a bitter and unpleasant taste. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case and this dish turned out to be a delicious (and easy) dish! Continue reading

Instant Coffee Frappe

Coffee is our ingredient of the season. You can find our favorite cold-brew formula here. And here’s a list of Sarah’s favorite coffee shops in the Fishtown neighborhood of Philly.

Back in May we went on camping road trip. If you’re interested, here’s info about our visit to Canyonlands, our visit to the Grand Tetons, and camping on BLM land. Back in July I told you about our big camp kitchen snafu during the road trip. The one where we forgot the stove!

In that post, I described how we adjusted our menus so that we were still able to camp and eat well. Without easily accessible hot water, priority #1 was figuring out coffee. We made Nescaffe Frappes. And I may have said that “knowing this recipe is up there with knowing how to escape a grizzly bear attack or how to cut off your arm in an avalanche. Life or death.”

You probably read that and freaked. Then you started stressing about how you’ll get caught in an avalanche because you couldn’t cut the grizzly off of your arm. And the bear only attacked because you were SLOW-AS-F on your hike because of the POUNDing caffeine headache because SOMEONE forgot the camp stove. F*ck.

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Ingredient of the Season : Coffee

Every season we like to pick one ingredient and find a variety of ways to love it and use it. You can find our complete ingredient archive here.

I’m sitting here with just a drop left of my morning cuppa joe, and I’m so excited to announce that coffee is our fall 2018 Ingredient of the Season.  We are coffee lovers. We love the ritual of a morning cup of coffee, especially when someone else starts the brew and we wake up to the aroma wafting into our bedrooms. We love the flavor of coffee, and we’re always excited to try new beans, brewing methods, and (of course) ice creams ;-). But above all, we love that it’s a drink shared by many cultures, often bringing people together to over communal moment of rest and conversation.


live seasoned blue mountain coffee jamaica-9

Making coffee our Ingredient of the Season encourages us to learn more about the biology, cultural importance, and many uses of this bean, and we’re excited to share those experiences. Throughout the season we’ll talk about a variety of brewing methods. But beyond drinking, I’m also excited to use coffee in my crafting, cooking, baking, and liqueur making!

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Five Best Coffeeshops in Fishtown, Philadelphia

Headed to Philly? Here’s a weekender’s guide to Fishtown.

My, my, my how Fishtown, Philadelphia has changed since I lived there six years ago. Back in my day there was only one coffeeshop all the cool kids went to. That one has been undergoing major renovations and it’s been completely closed for over a year now, so I had to find a new brew spot until it reopens. Not a problem. I can think of five favorite coffeeshops off the top of my caffienated dome and to be honest, I like all of them better than my original spot. Fishtown is poppin’ with coffee beans and chai. If you’re planning a visit or want to try a sip of something new, here are my five favorite coffeeshops in Fishtown, Philadelphia. Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at 9.49.43 PM

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Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte

Pumpkin is our ingredient of the season. Today’s recipe is great for using up those last bits of pumpkin (just like this face mask potion!) when other recipes call for less than a full can.

We’re officially halfway through the fall season here on the blog, so it’s about time that we started crafting our own pumpkin spice lattes! Of course, in order to write this post, I had to do a little bit of research last week, stopping at Starbucks to taste the original before experimenting at home. Such. hard. work.


The PSL syrup recipe I used is directly from A Beautiful Mess (hi there, we <3 you!). I just modified it slightly by halving all ingredients and upping the ratio of brown to granulated sugar. I made half a batch because I was worried about having more than I could finish, but fortunately, these are so good that I’ll have no trouble finishing the jar.

**Our dear friend Nicole provides a low-sugar version in the comments. Check it out!

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