Coconut + Rose Evening Oil & Makeup Remover

If you’re interested in more DIY skin-care potions, check out these posts. Today we’re sharing the recipe for a super simple evening face oil. This potion is much simpler than our winter face oil. As explained in that post, our winter face oil calls for a blend of different carrier and essential oils, each with […]

Cocktail Recipe: Mexican (Hot) Chocolate

Cinnamon is our ingredient of the season. You can find more cinnamon posts here. This cocktail was 100% inspired by Mexican hot chocolate. It has the cocoa, the spices, and some milk, but I wasn’t sure what to call it because it’s served over ice. Does it count has hot chocolate when it’s not hot?! […]

Cinnamon Ornament Surprise!

Cinnamon is our ingredient of the season! You can find our full archive of cinnamon posts here. This particular post was originally published on December 21 2014 (7 years ago!), we’re republishing it today, because I’m making up a fresh batch of ornaments tonight with my little elves. Hey! We’re popping in this weekend to […]

Waste Less Wednesdays: Halloween Costumes

Many Wednesdays this year we’re checking in to share how we’re reducing our environmental impact. Some of these ideas are big and require a bit of effort. Others are super small and simple, like this one. But we believe that they all make a difference. Happy Halloweenie! Halloween is a favorite holiday of mine. I start to get excited […]

Homemade Elderberry Syrup

I’m letting you in on a little secret today, it’s easier than you think to make your own healing potions. After coming off of a homemaker high of making Katie’s Fire Cider, I decided to follow her lead and simmer some Homemade Elderberry Syrup as well. For some reason, I’ve been really intimidated to make […]

A Valentine’s Day Treat: Homemade Marshmallows

A treat for your Valentine’s Day sweetie! Whip up a batch of homemade marshmallows this week! Seeing homemade marshmallows make the internet rounds and knowing how much my husband loves them (caffeinated marshmallows were a stocking stuffer hit!), I was excited to test my kitchen skills and make whip up a batch.  The recipes all […]

Our Favorite Phone Camera Accessory (Macro Lens!)

Want more photography posts? Here’s a Photography 101 course from Sarah. You can find her favorite equipment here, and here’s what I use when not pulling out my phone’s camera. I’m not going to claim that this post is going to change the world, BUT maybe if some people looked at things from a different […]