Two Bits

We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned.

Katie here :


Our week has been pretty lazy with just a touch of cabin fever. We’ve been overwhelmed by the cloudy and rainy days here (and the forecast for another week of rain ahead, ugg). While we would love spend more time outside than in, we’ve been looking for creative ways to spend our time inside; we’ve painted, played with blocks, and trains, but there’s only so many times you can do those things before even little A starts to go crazy. We still got outside, we just ended up cold and wet! As a result, we had plenty of time to watch the bird feeders this week. As you might have seen on Instagram, we had a flock of evening grosbeaks visit and we had a broad tailed hummingbird fighting with our black chinned hummer fighting for a place at the feeder. So that’s our wet week, how was yours?

Sarah here:

While Kate’s been bird watching, I’ve been dog wrangling.  I’m pup-sitting two other dogs this week, which means dogs currently outnumber the humans in this tiny apartment.  It’s pretty cozy around here besides the lack of a dog door that the two visitor pups are used to. Yes, they’ve taken turns pooping on the living room floor while K and I were asleep.  After night two, I decided to just sleep at the dogs’ house so they have access to their doggy door because I heard you can’t teach an old dog new house training rules anyway…

North Carolina made the switch from Spring to Summer this past week too. It is HOT and soon time to shut the windows and turn on the AC, bummer! The mosquitoes, spiders and ants are out in full force too.  Looks like I’m going to have to learn some ant remedies fast because there is a colony taking over my kitchen counter as I type this post.  There’s also a dog under my desk, one laying behind my chair and another sitting on my lap!  Looks like I have enough creatures to keep me company this weekend 🙂

Two Bits

We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned.


Katie Here:


Hey there! After one week of paternity leave, Calder was back at work this week, and I was slowly learning what our days would look like with two little guys. Right now they’re long and lazy, which isn’t too bad :-). Luc spends a lot of time in the Ergo, while Alex continues about his days with lots of requests to “go side” (i.e. go outside) and for “popcols” (popsicles). Alex also takes any chance he gets to give Baby Luc a kiss, and Luc seems to be a good sport about taking all of the kisses and love taps from his big brother in stride. So, all in all, these days couldn’t get any better are going to be even more fun when Sarah arrives this weekend!

Sarah Here:

What a week!  Lots of hikes and a bunch of work. Tonight I’ll pack my bags for Boulder and hang out with Catahoula Cash.  Kev is at a conference this weekend and originally I planned on joining him, until we remembered we had a dog. Oh yeah. Whoops!



Happy Friday!

Two Bits

We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share your a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned


Katie here:

Actually Katie isn’t here, I think she’s off being a mom somewhere.  Who knows, maybe she went into labor early?! JUST KIDDING. Don’t get excited mom readers!

Sarah here:


I had an awesome week space cadets!  I’m feeling a little zapped right now so I’ll let these photos tell most of the story 🙂  Above you can see my haandy work.  Which is your favorite color?  I think mine is fog or celadon.  Starting from the bottom: pollen, celadon, lake, white, clementine, robins’ egg, coral, fog, sand, sea foam and white again.


Catahoula_Cash and I went on a hike every day this week!  We even went some place totally new. We hiked along the Haw River and Cash even took his first dip of the season.  I was a little bit worried that he would try to jump into the river, which is high right now, but he’s a smart pup.  Instead he rolled around in a stream and hopped into a pond!

eggs-1I also found a family-owned dairy farm on the way home from the pottery studio.  I bought a dozen eggs for $3.  Major breakfast plans this weekend!


Two Bits

We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share your a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Katie here:


Oh boy, I know it’s been a crazy week when I barely have a photograph to show for it! Other than the photo above, even little A was spared from the spotlight this week. Somehow our days went from long and lazy to crazy. It’s not going to slow down anytime soon, but don’t take any of that as a complaint – we have so many exciting things going on over here. As Sarah mentioned yesterday, our newest little family member should make his appearance sometime over the next couple of weeks. AND in just two short weeks we’re scheduled to close on a house! (wow!) It’s the house we hope to stay in for a long time, with many exciting features for our little fam, like a large lot size (on the side of a mountain) that we’re hoping to make into a little wonderland with meandering trails, hidden swings, and other bits of fun. And, of course, I’m excited to do some gardening. We have plans for berries and other fresh veggies along with plenty of flowers. I can’t wait to share pictures and tell you more about it when everything is finalized.

Sarah here:

liveseasoned_twobits-1-2Whewww. So glad it’s Friday. I require LOTS of sleep and unfortunately I had to wake up early every day this week. Rough life, I know.  I started working at HAAND, an amazing ceramics studio, way out in the woods of North Carolina.  I’ll be taking over their instagram so follow along if you like pretty haandmade dishes, bowls, mugs, vases and such.

I also helped #cashthedog create his own instagram account, so that you’re not inundated with Cash pictures on @LiveSeasoned.  You can see his cute and crazy moments by following @Catahoula_Cash.  I promise I do other things besides post to instagram all day.  Fortunately/unfortunately that is the nature of photographs these days. *Insert old photojournalist’s geezer rant here*

This old geezer is going to make a cup of tea and take some photographs today. Happy Friday errrrrrbody!

Two Bits

We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share your a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Katie here:


I have to admit, this is a week I’m happy to put behind me. Nothing bad actually happened, just a consistent flow of minor stumbles. And since this is all I have to share, I’m sharing it ~ maybe you’ll get a laugh, or you can commiserate if your week was equally blah. The babysitter arrives, I leave the house with my laptop to work, sit down at the coffee shop and realize that my laptop’s COMPLETELY (won’t even turn on) uncharged and I don’t have a plug. Next day, I finally try on a sweater that I knit for Alex, photo above. He looks sooooo stinking cute, but I know that the sweater’s going to fit him for about three days before he grows out of it. We had to take our car to the garage, and what should have been a 30 minute trip turned into a 2.5 hour adventure because of the silliest traffic jam at a freeway onramp. Yesterday the little man gets sick. Today, he wakes up at 4:30 throwing up, so I wake up at 4:30 to be thrown up on. awesome. Fortunately, the high note of the week is that he seems to have the bug out of his system. How do I know? Around 9 this morning he requested cold refried beans for breakfast (no joke!). I was hesitant to serve them, but then I figured, maybe his little body knows. He ate about a quarter of a can, and he’s been as happy as a clam ever since. Ending the week on a high note!

Sarah here:_DSC9702

I almost feel bad writing this after I read Kate’s Two Bits, but this week may have been the best of 2015! These past two months work has been slooooooow.  To keep the cost of my business low, I don’t advertise.  I get a lot of work through referrals or by seeking it out myself and for the most part that works out really well for me, but sometimes there’s nothing going on.  Fortunately my luck changed and last week I worked in Houston, Texas and this past week I had a really cool gig at the North Carolina Central University Art Museum.  Those jobs left me feeling motivated, which is so much better than how I’ve been feeling about work and my own self worth.

Besides the photo gigs, I accepted a new part time position at a local pottery studio!  I’m super excited to work on production as well as all their media materials.  I can’t wait to have a project to work on that isn’t so personal.  It’s nice to be a little bit removed so that I can clearly look at the brand and figure out how to represent it in the best possible way.  I’m also pumped to get out of my house and into a studio a couple days a week.  The studio is way out in the country side near the Haw River, which is a really pretty drive from my house.  No more hermit-working-from-home lifestyle for me! Well, at least for two days a week. 😉

Two Bits

We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share your a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Sarah Here:


Another week of job hunting and crafting in these parts!  This week I designed, printed and put together these simple, but fancy-looking invites for a friend’s bachelorette party.  I don’t know about you, but I love any chance to plan a party.  When I lived in Philadelphia, my roommates and I would throw parties that would overflow out of our living room and backyard and into our alleyway (we had a pretty tiny house).  We loved bringing a bunch of fun and beautiful souls into one place. Ah, parties. They make my heart grow. Just putting together these invites, finding a great airbnb, and activity planning pumps me up.

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Two Bits

We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share your a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Katie here :

This was a week where we were just living life and enjoying it. The weather was amazing ~ we were excited for the mild winters when we moved to Boulder, and while the east coast was pummeled by winter storm Juno, we were sitting pretty with highs ranging from the 50s to 70s this week, with a similar forecast for the week ahead. That meant lots of outside time with little A, giving me some time to experiment with a macro lens on my phone. Those are some of the results above, not bad, huh? I think we’re going to head into the mountains for the weekend, maybe do some snowshoeing, definitely do some napping, and hopefully C and I will go on a little date. We’ll see!

Sarah here:

Sarah Schu Resume

Katie’s week sounds great! Mine was a major mehhh week.  Lots of soul job searching going on over here. I designed a fancy new résumé specifically for travel jobs; there’s a peek of the top of it.  I obscured my phone number because believe it or not, we have some crazy stalker fans of Seasoned who would want nothing more than to prank call me over and over and over.

Since I was feeling a little down this week I treated myself a little bit more than usual 🙂 I went to one of my favorite grub hubs in town, Al’s Burger Shack, which is actually more of a take out joint in the winter because most of their seating is outside.  K and I braved it out under the heat lamps though.  Al’s is a must if you ever visit Chapel Hill, North Carolina; lots of great local ingredients and brews too!  I also went to the movies, which is a rare treat. I saw The Imitation Game with Benedict Cumberbatch and I thought it was really good. I heard an interview on NPR about the movie and I was really intrigued by Cumberbatch’s character study of Alan Turing, which made me want to see the movie even more.

Here’s to hoping we all have the best weekends possible!

Two Bits

We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share your a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Katie Here:


I had a fun time and learned a lot at an herbal-infused chocolate class that was put on by our local apothecary. As well as coming home with some amazing chocolates and a head full of ideas for Christmas, I learned how to make rose hip jam! It was something completely new to me, so it was fun to both learn about it and sample it in some of the chocolates. Now I’m making my own in hopes of recreating that deliciousness ~ more details to come. A chocolate making post is definitely in the works!



I was also busy this week finishing up the photo book that I give to Calder every Christmas. The book is fill with photos taken over the course of the year. They always start with the previous year’s Christmas and end with the current year’s Thanksgiving – that way we don’t miss any holidays and there’s some consistency. This is a little tradition that both of us really look forward to. While it’s hard to fit the time in to make one, it’s so much fun looking back over the year in photos, and Calder loves opening it on Christmas morning and taking a moment to slow down and flip through the pages. At close to 300 pages and over 400 photos, this is our longest one yet, but with a kiddo as cute as A. Max, it was hard to keep my photo number down! We’ve also found that with all photos being digital, this is a great way for us to print out a selection and having them on the bookshelf. Do you have any fun photo-related traditions that get them off your computer and into your house?

Sarah Here:


I had a pretty relaxing week at home.  Christmas came early when my UPS man delivered a brand new vacuum cleaner to my door on Monday.  Receiving an enormous unexpected package was really exciting! I love mail and I send care packages a lottttt, but it’s rare that I receive one myself.  The new vacuum gave me an intention for my week: clean. everything.  I finished up my cleaning spree by carrying my weight in cardboard and recyclables to the center tonight. I also took a trip to the laundromat where I had eleven washers running simultaneously. I was in and out of there in an hour and a half. It was pretttttty sweet. Yes, I just wrote a whole paragraph about the joys of cleaning one’s home.  I love this vacuum cleaner more than I thought was Sarahly possible.


In between elving Christmas projects, I spent a lot of time in the kitchen this week.  I shared the almost vegan jam muffins yesterday.  I made sloppy joes for the first time in at least a decade and I realized, they are not that good. Just a pile of saucy crumbly meat.  I also channeled my brother Jeff and made a pizza casserole that was delicious and devoured within 24 hours.   I also made some pasta e fagioli soup and lots of cookies! I’ll be sharing some of those recipes with you at some point soon. Right now I’m snacking on a big bowl of couscous that I seasoned with cumin, tarragon, ground cloves, salt and butter.  Happy weekend! If you don’t have breakfast plans for the next couple days, whip up those jam muffins!


Two Bits

Each Friday we share some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Sarah here:


I started the week in Florida hanging out with my childhood best friend. We basically had a sleepover for ten days straight, complete with giggling, crafting and lots of catching up. The weather there was amazzzzzing – eighty degrees amazing. So nice and warm that we even went for a couple runs, something I don’t do too often.

I also bought my first pair of grown up running shoes! By grown up, I mean I didn’t pick them based on color. I went to Fit2Run, a great store, where they tested my motion mechanics, my arch height, and where I apply the most pressure when I stand and run.  It was an eye opening experience and I feel like I walked ran away with the most comfortable shoes on the planet, at least for my feet.  Now running is actually comfortable instead of painful. Fingers crossed that it stays that way 🙂 The friend I was staying with is actually running a half marathon tomorrow, so good luck and wishes to her!


Even though I had the best time catching up, it was nice to come home and hug my pets and bf.  On Tuesday we picked out a tree (bigger than last year, yipee!), bought another string of lights and decorated for the holidays.  How do you like winter Frankenstein?  I bought him at Michaels for $4 during Halloween, but I love him too much to pack him away until next year.  He’s going to be like those geese that you put different outfits on for each season.. just wait until you see Easter F-stein!

Katie here:


Like Sarah, I started the week in one location, California, and ended it in another, Colorado… the funny thing is, as a kid whenever I heard the word California, I imagined sunshine and beaches, instead we had snow! And whenever I heard Colorado, of course I imagined the snowy rockies, but we came home to 50 degree days. We had such a great time sledding and playing in the snow with Alex, but I was happy to come home to our “warm” city. I feel like the rest of the week was spent falling back into our routine and chipping away at some of my ambitious Christmas crafting plans. Our house is currently filled with the scent of cloves and oranges, and I decided that it’s never too late to try to put together a simple play teepee for Christmas morning (although my scheme is for something even simpler with less cutting and sewing). Am I crazy? Wish me luck!

Two Bits

Each Friday we share some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Katie here:


I know that Sarah’s been busy all week with a photo shoot, so of course the Friday post is late when left in my hands. And me? I’ve been busy all week with the general busy-ness of life – doctor’s appointments, dog sitting, haircuts, generally rough stuff :). But I was lucky enough to sneak in a few moments of Christmas planning here and there. I tested out a few methods for making some toddler-safe tree ornaments (that’s a work-in-progress shot above). And I was finally able to take that lip balm course at the local apothecary. It was so good! I made lip balm before, but it was nice to get the informed and tested tricks from someone who has a lot more practice. We also learned some simple and natural techniques for adding color to our balms and for making glosses too. I’m so excited to try making a batch for holiday giving!

Sarah here:


What a week! I cooked up a storm, which I’ll be sharing this week and I went on a work trip to Charlotte.  Lately I had been feeling uninspired in the kitchen. I realized that was because I wasn’t spending much time in there.  I would make a quick dish, something unsatisfying and then feel bummed about it.  This past week I spent a few hours cooking up new recipes and creating different spice blends and it felt so therapeutic.  I guess I just had to get back on the horse. Yehawwww, get ready for some tasty dishes this week and this winter 🙂 Pictured above are grilled pork skewers with a warm marinade including nutmeg, cayenne, cinnamon, lemon juice and much more.

Thanksgiving is upon us! I usually forget about holidays until the week before and then I get uber excited about them.  Tomorrow I’m headed to Florida for the next ten days to help my best friend plan her wedding.  I’m so excited to chitchat and lounge and have a laid back little holiday with a sweet lady.  I’m thinking about stopping by the Everglades before I drive back home.  I’ve never been, have you?