Two Bits

Each Friday we share some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Sarah Here :



It’s so lovely to be home when the leaves are changing.  Autumn is a season I can’t stand to miss.  This week I drank almost two gallons of local cider, took the pup for a few hikes, and edited photos from Nepal for at least twenty-five hours.  Usually it’s equal parts amazing and agonizing to edit travel photos, but this time there’s a bit of inspiration in the mix.  I’m finally pursuing my goal of being a travel writer and while I won’t say too much more right now, I’ll keep you updated on that front.

I also came up with a Halloween costume yesterday, which means I’m scurrying around trying to put it together on the cheap.  Each year, Chapel Hill has a huge party on Franklin Street, an amazing people watching (and meeting) event to celebrate the holiday.  Check our Instagram on Saturday to see the result of my last minute decision 🙂

Katie has been busy keeping this blog afloat while I was trekking and traveling home so I’m sure her bits reads something like this, “Naps, naps, nappity naps since that stinkin’ Sarah is finally home to help with our labor of love.”

Happy Halloween my friends – be safe out there!

Katie Here :

ugg! Today’s been quite a day so far, and I’m running on too little sleep…. but – I’m SO HAPPY SARAH’S BACK! Can’t wait to give her a big squeeze in person!

Two Bits

Each Friday we share some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned


Sarah here :



I’m back! Well, almost. I’m sitting in the Qatar airport waiting for my flight to JFK to take off.  I’ve been traveling by bus, taxi and plane for 24+ hours by now and I still have at least 24 more to go!  Channel the travel gods for me and make this a smooth and speedy return. Until I’m sitting on my couch with Catahoula Cash, I’m certain to be looking out the window missing all the beautiful friends and teachers I’ve met during this trip.  Each time I travel it’s hard to say goodbye, but I’m officially deeming this the most heartbroken I’ve ever been while waiting at an airport.  Sometimes you meet some really special people when you least expect it and saying c-ya later to them can really break you down.  As I move further and further away from Nepal, I can feel the distance widening from my friends in Nepal, but….

Katie here :

And that’s where Sarah’s internet failed her. We’ll just have to fill in the rest of that sentence for her. I’m assuming that it goes something like this:

“As I move further and further away from Nepal, I can feel the distance widening from my friends in Nepal, but the distance to my family, especially my two uber-cute nephews, is shortening, and that feels so good.”


“As I move further and further away from Nepal, I can feel the distance widening from my friends in Nepal, but did you know that Nepal spelled backwards is Lapen?”


“As I move further and further away from Nepal, I can feel the distance widening from my friends in Nepal, but who needs friends when a PSL is waiting, you know?”


“As I move further and further away from Nepal, I can feel the distance widening from my friends in Nepal, but now they’re #internetpenpalsforlife.

Who knows, but I’m sure she’s glad she wasn’t able to finish her two bits! 😉

In other news, the boys and I are going to spend this weekend getting halloween costumes ready, making our own homemade PSLs, and hopefully spending a good bit of time outside. What are your plans?

Seasoned View: Vol. 19

Each month we share our Seasoned View.  Snapshots of nature and daily life taken by the Seasoned sisters. Find our archive of past months’ views here.

Hello from our mid-fall stay-cation! I didn’t plan to take the week off, but I’ve been spending every free moment during naptime and evenings work on projects rather than blogging. Maybe it’s the change in weather, as we had a fantastic string of foggy and rainy days lately (a nice break from the 80s and harsh sun that was most of September). It really put me in the mood to stay inside and curl up with a good project.

This month’s photos are all pictures that I took this week while hiking our mountain with Alex and Luc, and I think they provide a picture perfect snapshot of this beautiful fall weather.


Click here for mountainside.


Click here for pines.


Click here for black and white morning.


Click here for raindrops.

I’m loving the raindrops image. I’m starting to think that it would make a great photo for a bathroom, especially if mounted this way.

Now I’m going to get back to my pumpkin baking, decorating for halloween, and finally finishing this sweater (with a big update post to come!). While I’m doing all of that, I have Ryan Adam’s cover of Taylor Swift’s 1989. It’s so good! When this NPR review mentioned that he sounded like Bruce, I was sold (and Calder laughed at how easy it is to get me to buy an album).

Unless Sarah checks in from the trail, we’ll see you back here on Monday with some fresh posts. Can’t wait!


Two Bits

Each Friday we share some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Katie here :

liveseasoned_fall2015_oct2We saw the eclipse on Sunday! Did you? Many of our friends had a cloudy view in the valley, but fortunately the clouds had cleared from our view after a few minutes into the show. We turned off all of the lights in the house and watched the show from our porch. Since it’s Oct 2, I mentally know that it’s fall, but the warm days spent at the park have been messing with my mind! It’s so hard to even think about Halloween costumes, but in other news, I’ve had no problem thinking up a long list of projects that I want to work on for Christmas. Is it too early to begin “elving“?

I’m not sure if Sarah will be able to check in today or not, but tomorrow’s her last day of yoga teaching training, and then she’s going off on a big backpacking trip for two weeks. I can’t wait until she has the time (and internet connection) to fill us in on her adventures!

Sarah here :

I’m here, I’m here! Once again, it has been a busy and fulfilling week.  I can’t believe my 200 hour yoga teacher training comes to a close tomorrow, but that’s probably just the sleep deprivation talking.  While we do work really hard, we also play hard.  The entire group ventured up to Sarankot, a nearby peak, to meditate during the full moon last week.  I took my Eno hammock along for the ride and everyone loved laying in it and gazing up at the sky.  I also took my tent and two of the other girls decided to have a slumber party with me.  We were all so cozy and warm snuggled together in my tiny tent.  Today I taught a yoga class to my peers.  I focused on self trust and worked on hip openers, twisting and arm balances.  Every single person in my class was able to get into crow and side crow, so I’m taking that as a sign of success.

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Now that my training is coming to a close, it means I have to prepare for the Annapurna Circuit Trek.  If you follow us on instagram, you saw that I bought my permits.  Now I just have to buy a couple pieces of gear and pack my bag.  Hopefully it’s not too heavy.  Have you ever backpacked at high altitude? Any advice?  Looking forward to learning the ups and downs of the Annapurnas and sharing that will you all soon!

liveseasoned fall15 nepal yoga teacher trainingliveseasoned fall15 nepal yoga teacher training3

Have a great weekend! xo



Two Bits

Each Friday we share some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Katie here :


I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve checkin in on a Friday (thanks for keeping this ship afloat, Sarah!). This is our second full week at home and it felt so nice. We’ve found our rhythm with plenty of park visits, friend time, and family time (popsicle time!). I feel so lucky that I made it to two yoga classes this week! And when everyone is tucked in and the house is quiet, my thoughts turn to all of the great things that I’m hoping to do this fall, which includes planning Christmas gifts! Did I speak too soon? Don’t worry, I haven’t done anything other than think.

Sarah here :

liveseasoned_fall15_yoga teacher training

Last week, I gave you a peek into my days at the 200 hour yoga teacher training in Pokhara, Nepal.  I’ve just completed day ten and holy heck am I exhausted!  I actually skipped yoga philosophy and yoga nidra today (my first time playing hooky!) so that I could take a much needed four-hour nap.  I woke up feeling refreshed and excited about the rest of the day so let’s hope that little bit of energy carries me through the rest of the week.  Tonight I’m trying to be in bed by 9pm instead of my usually 11pm.  Besides lack of sleep, everything else is going well.  I’m a bit better at chanting sanskrit mantras and holding handstands (against the wall) than I was last week.  The daily meditation practices keep getting better and better and I can’t wait until I have some time back in the states to share in detail all of the beautiful things we’ve been working on here.

I also met some really great girls that I’ll be hiking the Annapurna Circuit with once our teacher training wraps up in October.  I can’t wait to hike around majestic peaks with my giggling yoga ladies.  I have a feeling this winter back in the U.S. will feel a little dull after all these adventures are over.  What do you have planned for the weekend?  Some hiking or cooking, or flying somewhere? Remember that it’s Clean Up The World Weekend!

liveseasoned fall15 yoga teacher training

Two Bits

We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned.

liveseasoned_summer15_farm birthday party-1Screen Shot 2015-07-31 at 12.49.01 AM

Sarah here :

Can you see it? Yep, that’s three adobe programs open at once.  My to do list is a mile long this week month and while it’s a little intimidating, it’s also thrilling and I love trying to squeeze it all in.  There are never enough hours in a day, but that’s why I organize my list by week! I’m definitely a list person.

As you know, I’m preparing for my trip to Nepal, which means I’m squeezing in all kinds of odd jobs and activities before go.  Right now I’m focusing a lot of energy on my RAW gallery show in Raleigh.  I’m digging through my archives and ordering prints, designing postcards and trying to envision my space.  I’m  shooting a wedding this Saturday and working in the darkroom on Sunday then next week I’m off to visit Katie (the other half of Seasoned) in Colorado :)! I’m also trying to iron out all the details of the upcoming Schu Farm Fest, a mini music and arts festival, the Schu siblings hold every year. Okay, last year was the first year, but it was amazing and it will go on forever.  Of course, I’m always working on organizing and creating materials for Haand, the lovely housewares company where I work.

liveseasoned_summer15_farm birthday party-8liveseasoned_summer15_farm birthday party-5liveseasoned_summer15_farm birthday party-7

Oh yeah, I’m 26 now! My birthday was last Saturday.  I spent the morning at The Honeysuckle Tea House, hiked in the afternoon with Cash and Kevin, and then went to an event held at a local goat cheese and milk farm.  While the farm party was not exactly what we envisioned (beer flowing freely from a dozen spouts and baby goats in pajamas), we had a great time.  While we waited for the local brewery reps to arrive, K and I rowed a boat across the pond, mooed at innocent calves, ate our weight in Middle Eastern food and kissed baby goats.

I shopped online for health insurance yesterday.  It was worse than doing taxes.



Katie here :


Ack! This week flew by in a flash. Ready for it?

  • Monday : I don’t even remember.
  • Tuesday : Drove to Aspen for a meeting and back. I couldn’t help but stop at the top of Independence Pass for a photo! It never gets old.
  • Wednesday : Recovered from Tuesday just in time for a little picnic dinner in our favorite park.
  • Thursday : I had one goal all day. Make a kicka$$ dinner, and I did. More on that soon!
  • Friday : We’re heading out of town tonight for a weekend camping trip with five other families! It’s going to be crazy. Let’s hope the kiddos sleep.


In between all of that I’ve been working to repair my broken hard drive. The one with all of my photos since 2003 (yikes!). We’re in the homestretch and everything is going to be recovered! And if you’re wondering where my backup was, this was my main copy and my backup. Thanks LaCie.


How was your week?

Two Bits

We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned.

Sarah here :



This week has been equal parts work and play. On Monday and Tuesday, I ran around from job to meeting to gallery walk-through, and now that Friday is here, I’m chillin’ on the beach.  This is my first visit to the Outer Banks and so far it’s lovely. The beach is free and alcohol is permitted so that’s where you can find me all weekend!

Two Bits

We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned.

Sarah here :

This week went by in a blink! The pottery studio was extra sweaty this week, but I cooled off by drinking jars of iced cold chia seed water.  Staying hydrated is key to staying happy while working among 2300 degree kilns.


I also had a few friends visiting Chapel Hill.  It’s always fun to entertain visitors and overload them with suggestions.  Yesterday we went for a hike with Catahoula_Cash near the Haw River.  It was a muggy, sweaty hike, but it was fun to get out into the woods and splash around in the creeks and river for a bit.  After the hike we headed into town to eat at Al’s Burger shack, arguably my favorite grub in Chapel Hill.  Then we trotted down the block to Beer Study for a couple brews to end the night.

This weekend I’m going to State College, Pennsylvania for Arts Fest. I love walking around in the sunshine and seeing what our Pennsylvania artists are creating.  I’ll also stop by my favorite yoga studio in town and the Simply Health salt spa for some relaxation.  Hope you find a bit of relaxation yourself this weekend!

Katie is not here!

Why? Because it’s her birthday! Happy Birthday Katie! I wish I could give you a big squeeze!  Katie tried to contribute to this post, but her hard drive and her internet are malfunctioning so let’s all wish her luck for this coming year!

Two Bits

We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned.

Katie here :


I feel like we hit summer out of the park this week. There was nothing spectacular, just a bunch of perfect summer days filled with all of the things you/we say we want to do during these long days, and we actually did them. It started on Sunday when Calder called from his bike ride and suggested we meet him at a lake up in the mountains for a picnic dinner. How could we say no? So we hopped in the car with a loaf of bread and the PB & jelly jars, and met him at the lake! Inspired by that perfect evening, we recreated it at the Boulder Reservoir. The boys and I arrived at the reservoir around 4:30 and Calder met us after work. It was just the right amount of time for Alex to play on the beach and in the water, then join us for dinner, and arrive home tired out and ready for bed. The rest of the days were spent on the deck and in the garden. Spending many moments just following the ladybugs around the mint patch. Today we’re off to CA! We’re spending the week there visiting with Calder’s family with plans to continue this trend of perfect summer days.

And if you haven’t heard ~ Sarah’s off on the Appalachian Trail! She’s spending the week volunteering to keep a West Virginia section of the trail in tiptop shape.


Two Bits

We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned.


Katie here :


If you’ve glanced at the weather report recently, you may have noticed that Colorado is covered in one big cloud that’s sticking around through tomorrow. It’s wet and grey, and if we don’t look out, we could be carried off by a flash flood. This is a complete 180 from earlier in the week when our days were warm and sunny. On one of those nice days, we went for a hike in Chautauqua. Starting up the the trail and watching the line of hikers both in front of and behind you always makes me laugh. Going for a hike, at least close to the city, is not the peaceful, solitary activity it was when we lived in PA, but once you get up into the trees and the trails branch off, the crowds thin out. They never completely disappear, but you can begin to hear yourself think. I’m not complaining about the crowds, because it’s nice to be surrounded by so many like-minded people, but I still haven’t gotten used to it. That said, after about a year of living here, it was nice to get up to Chautauqua again (we didn’t do much hiking here throughout the winter), and this time have it feel so familiar and like home, as opposed to feeling like I was on vacation in CO, which is what I felt like for so long after having moved here. Has that happened to you? You move to a place that’s so different from where you grew up, that you can’t quite shake the feeling that you’re just on vacation? It’s also slightly strange to me that Alex and Luc are going to grow up in a landscape that’s wildly different form the one I grew up in.
