Two Bits

Each Friday we share some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Katie here:


If you’re following along on our Instagram feed, then you already know that it was cold and snowy in Boulder this week! We pulled the sled out of the garage and took Alex for a stroll around the neighborhood on that first morning – he loved it!!! In the photo above he just got on and fell backwards, but he soon figured out how to hold himself up as the sled jerked to a start. It was just as exciting for us to see his joy. Every time we mentioned the sled, he would run for the door. So that’s been our main mode of transport – I pulled him over to his friend’s for a play date, our babysitter took him on a few walks (after teaching him the fine art of snow angels), and last night on the sled, he figured out that waving to the snowplows would get them to honk their horns. Important stuff going on around here!

Meanwhile, inside the house I kept a pot of soup on the stove every day. I think because this blast came earlier in the season than we would have expected, it seamed extra magical having the steamed up windows, fire in the fireplace, candles going on the mantel and the blanket of snow outside. I feel like the week was a slow dream, and other than the fridge of leftovers and “first snow” pictures, I don’t have anything else to show for it, but that’s not a bad thing either. If the snow’s coming your way, I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

Sarah here:

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This week was busy, busy over here! Lots of shoots, editing and meetings, but I did find time to rake the yard and go for a few hikes with the pup.  I also went shopping for clothes, which is a big deal for me. Those pants in the pic are newbies. Like ’em?  I rarely buy threads.  I just hate spending money on clothes, which is hard because I’m always envious of other people’s style, yet I’m not willing to spend money on shirts. First world problems, I know.


I also went on a date this week, whoop whoop! We went to see Interstellar, which is now one of my most favorite movies. I loved it so much. I’ve been thinking about it ALL WEEK and I even had a dream about it.  So, that’s kind of a big deal.  It’s rare that I go that bananas over a movie, but it was just so dreamy and intriguing.  Christopher Nolan is really securing his spot as my favorite director (I’m sure that is his most prestigious award yet..). This movie was just as mind boggling as Inception so if you enjoyed that, you’ll enjoy this. He also made Memento, The Prestige and The Dark Knight Trilogy and other greats.

Tid Bits

Each Friday we share some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Katie here  :



I totally felt like this week was recover from Halloween week. As you know, our costumes weren’t even that involved, but not having them done was weighing on me all last week. So, when Monday evening came, it was nice to sit down and work on a project without that Halloween guilt. I started a hat for Calder. It’s a bit of an experiment using the yarn and thread in the photo above… I realized that I’m going to need about twenty more skeins of thread to finish this puppy (in fact, I took the photo so that I wouldn’t forget the numbers for the colors I’m using). If it’s a successful venture, I’ll be sure to share the finished hat here!

My other bit of fun this week was going for our 20 week ultrasound. That means we’re about halfway through this pregnancy. It was so much fun to see the little guy and know everything was developing as it should, but it also makes me so impatient for a few days afterwards – I can’t wait to meet him for real! (and you don’t know how much willpower it took to not use an exclamation point after every sentence in this paragraph)


Sarah here:


Just like Kate, I felt like this week was recover from Halloween week. Chapel Hill is the place to be on Halloween!  There were over 40,000 costumed lads and ladies roaming around Franklin street until all hours of the morning and I was one of them.  I was huuuungover on Saturday, which prompted me to create The Morning After blog.  If you ever have one heck of a night and you’re feelin’ it the next morning, submit your Morning After photos here.

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After the great work distraction that is Halloween passed, I got down to business and edited hundreds of photos this week.  Sitting in front of my computer hour after hour got old pretty fast. I started daydreaming about alternate careers and future travels and I decided I really want to complete my yoga teacher training abroad.  For the past few years, I’ve toyed with the idea of getting my RYT200 certification and I think 2o15 is the right time. I’ve been looking into this program in Nepal, but of course I have a lot of research to do about teachers, ashrams and programs.  I’d love to return to Nepal (pictured above), but I’m also open to traveling to whichever country hosts what I think to be the best fit for me. Let me know if you or someone you know has been certified abroad. I’d love to chat about the experience.


Two Bits

Each Friday we share some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Katie here :

Weren’t Sarah’s photo tips from yesterday great? I’m still trying to figure out how to put them into practice with a running toddler. I place him in that nice big shady spot and he runs towards the sun! So over the past week I’ve taken plenty of blurry shots with speckles of bright sun and shade covering the little guy’s face. Hopefully we’ll get a few great pictures tomorrow and Saturday while he’s wearing his yet-to-be-completed Halloween costumes. I know, I had all week!

And I hate to admit this, but I may have been procrastinating with the costumes because I spent way too much time this week thinking about (and scanning Pinterest for) Christmas and decorations. I’m excited to add some toddler-friendly decorations to the mix, and I’m starting to realize that the sooner I can work on them the better. You know what I’ll be doing with my 25% off coupon at Joann’s this week.

Sarah here:


Sounds like Kate and I have had similarly productive weeks.  I made numerous trips to the craft store this week and last night I spent three hours playing around with fondant.  I made Super Mario inspired characters to adorn cupcakes for my man’s birthday this coming Saturday.  He is turning 25, but he’s really 9 at heart.

I’ve also made very little progress on my Cleopatra Halloween costume. I was making progress in the beginning of October..  I ordered a wig two weeks ago and it still hasn’t come in.  I’ve been holding off buying one just hoping that I’d wake up and it would be on my doorstep, but as of 1:10 a.m. on October 31st, I’m officially giving up hope.  I plan on going to a beauty supply store tomorrow and picking one up.  I still need to add beads and adornments to the wig; I’m inspired by this image of Elizabeth Taylor.   So far, I have gathered an old gold prom dress that I’ll be wearing along with lots of chunky gold jewelry and these amazing metallic temporary tattoos!  I’m tempted to find a curved staff stick in the woods and spray paint it gold tomorrow, but we’ll see, maybe this empress doesn’t need a staff.

Happy Halloween everyone! This is quite possibly my favorite holiday of the year! How are you celebrating? Giving out candy? Dressing up? Partying the weekend away? Sippin’ on some cider in your everyday clothes and sayin’ bah humbug or would it be booooo?

Two Bits

Each Friday we share some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Sarah Here:


I had a fantastic fall week!  I took a road trip to Asheville, NC and I camped creekside for a couple days.  The weather was actually a bit cooler than I anticipated, but it was nice warming up near the campfire each night.  Kevin, Cash the dog, and I spent our days winding along the Blue Ridge Parkway and visiting tiny towns and hiking trails in the Blue Mountains.  We spent our evenings eating out in Asheville, which was a welcome treat for the both of us.  If you’re headed to Asheville anytime soon, head to Over Easy Cafe for breakfast and Farm Burger for lunch or dinner.  Also, hit up Wicked Weed or one of the other dozen breweries for a buzz.  We wished we had more time to explore, but the little bit that we saw we enjoyed so much.  I had about a dozen more shops and restaurants on my to-visit list so I know I’ll be back.  I’m actually thinking that Asheville is the next stop on my home tour and Farm Burger is definitely helping the case as far as Kevin is concerned!

My other bit is the satisfaction of packing up a whole lotta bits.. I’m packed up and ready to move out! At noon today I’m going to pick up at 16 foot box truck, just imagine that while you’re on your lunch break 😉 I’m moving into an apartment with high ceilings and a big backyard. It’s actually smaller than the place I’m renting now, but the outdoor space makes up for it. I can’t wait to film my inaugural house tour! Hope your Friday is a bit more relaxing than mine, but just as exciting 🙂

Two Bits

Instead of the usual links posts, each Friday we’re going to start sharing some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share your a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Sarah here:


This week I had two firsts!  Last night I went to the North Carolina State Fair and the night before I successfully canned a batch of caramelized onions. Simple pleasures, right?  The canning was actually easier than I expected.  I helped with a few canning projects in the past, but this was the first time doing it all by myself, with no instruction and in my own ill-prepared kitchen.  Cutting nine pounds of yellow onions by hand was a bit of a challenge tear fest.  Besides a food processor, my kitchen is also lacking large pots.  This made the whole process a little more time consuming, but nonetheless I ended up with ten half pints of delicious caramelized onions!  If you have a seasonal recipe I should try, please let me know 🙂

The NC State Fair was an equally awesome first.  I’m a big fan of fairs and festivals and this one didn’t disappoint.  It was much bigger than past fairs I’ve frequented, which meant more livestock, crafts, food and games.  I love winding my way through the exhibit halls and seeing the largest pumpkin or most prettiest cross-stitch.  I was a little disappointed in my appetite though.  I only had room for one order of mozzarella sticks! I replaced my time allotted for eating towards playing games.  I couldn’t find the bingo tent (it wasn’t listed on the map-can you believe that?!), but I did throw a few darts and toss a couple ping pong balls.  K even won three gold fish!  We named them Peppy, Grumpy & Stooge.

Katie here:


Late for the second week in a row, I know! For me this week seems to have been all about food and moments of startitis.

On the food front, I can’t help but talk about our CSA yet again, because it’s so amazing how getting a box of vegetables delivered to you each week influences your eating, cooking, and recipe searches (and I know we’ve had a CSA before, but when you take a break and then start again, it’s BAM! vegetables in your face, fridge, and dreams). I could spend my whole day looking up new recipes and experimenting, but I don’t have that time at the moment, so I squeeze it in between moments of work and trips to the playground. This weekend I have plans to make a salsa verde with tomatillos that arrived last night and a cabbage-filled savory hand pie with a recipe from the original Moosewood Cookbook. The photo above is from my night of experimenting with new toppings for my favorite roasted veggie soup – more on that soon!

On my terrible case of startitis, this week has been a particularly slow work week, which is fantastic, but I realized that I should be taking advantage of the lull and working on every idea I’ve ever had. Which leads to finishing almost nothing! I started a new sweater for Alex, picked out a pattern for a sweater for me, dug into my fabric stash for a new halloween decoration idea (will share the details next week if it works), cheesecloth is sitting in the middle of the floor because I wanted to make ghosts for the front porch, and that’s next to a pile of yarn tagged for new winter hats for Calder and me. Let’s hope I accomplish one or two of those projects before my motivation wanes!

Two Bits

Instead of the usual links posts, each Friday we’re going to start sharing some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share your a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Katie here:



A bit late, I know!

It’s been one of those nice and mellow weeks around here. A bit of work, a bit of fun, and nothing too hectic on the schedule. Little A and I had to run to Denver for a few errands, so we stopped at the zoo to give him a little bit of time outside the car. Of course he loved it, especially being able to run free on those wide open walkways. He’s also a fan of the giraffes, elephants, and big cats (when they’re awake and walking around, when they’re sleeping he’s not interested). Like many people, I have mixed feelings about zoos, but while there I try to focus on the work they do to bring people close to these wild animals, hopefully forming some bonds that will make little kids grow up to be people who care about conservation.

I picked up downloaded to my phone Gone Girl when we went camping a few weeks ago, not realizing that it was about to come out as a blockbuster movie (we don’t have TV, so we miss many of those movie previews that would have clued me in).  What a great book! I was reading it slowly for the first half, but as things have gotten crazy, I haven’t been able to put it down – staying up extra late to read it and squeezing in a page here and there when I have a free moment. I’ve avoided everything related to the movie so that doesn’t impact the story in my head, but I’ll be excited to see the movie when I’m done.

Sarah here:

I woke up around 5 a.m. every single day this past week! (Katie is probably rolling her eyes since her little one has her up at that time every morning) Waking up early goes against every grain in my body, but I happened to have five days of sunrise shoots all in a row.    Here’s the kicker though, after waking up so early five days in a row, I was so tired come the sixth day that I slept in and missed the lunar eclipse on Wednesday morning! So bummed about that.  Did any of you guys catch it?

Yesterday was another early morning as well. I flew into hot and humid Houston!  It was my first time flying Southwest in a few years.  Did you know that you pick your own seat?! It’s crazy. I checked in way early so I basically had first dibs, but I was feeling bad for couples at the end of the line. Middle seats allllll around.  I didn’t get to see much of Houston today because of work, but I should get a chance to walk around tomorrow. If so, I’ll get on the ball with IG, something I’ve been slacking on.  I did take one photo today, meet my new buddy Fajita!

Photo on 2014-10-09 at 17.20


Two Bits

Instead of the usual links posts, each Friday we’re sharing some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives, and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share your a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Katie here:


I confess, I’m a dedicated holiday decorator. I know not everyone is, but I think it comes with growing up in the coal region where porches are decorated for every holiday, going way beyond the traditional lights at Christmas. So when October arrived I spared no time putting some fall/October/halloween touches on our mantel! With so few surfaces in our small downstairs, it’s great having the mantel to decorate, especially since it’s out of Little A’s reach. And speaking of the little guy, one of his first words was bird, which he loves to look for when we’re outside. As soon as he saw the crows, he was so excited that there were “burds” in the house and kept yelling “burd” as he pointed at them.

In other news – the Seasoned family is growing! We’re expecting another little baby to arrive sometime this spring in late March or early April. This week we just found out that it’s a boy, and we’re over the moon with excitement, but now we’re struggling to come up with a list of boy names. Look out for a few baby and mom-related posts on the blog :-)… and know that when I share my favorite sidecar recipe, it kills me that I’m not drinking it along with you.

Sarah here:


Last week it felt like fall and this week it feels like summer. Changing weather makes me realize how much I love it all! One day I’m excited to pull a sweater over my head and the next I’m talking about how great flip flops are.  The summer vibe I’m feeling may have something to do with the beach wedding that I photographed this past weekend.  A long time bestie of mine got married at the Jersey shore.  The bf, dog and I piled in the car and made the ten hour trip north.  We stayed at an airbnb and we were not disappointed.  If you ever find yourself near Tom’s River, NJ, stay with Keith! Back to the nuptials: all the weddings I shoot are fun and full of personality, but this one was so different than any of the others. The couple took their whole bridal party to Casino Pier (a stinkin’ cute boardwalk) to get photos taken.  We ended up running and twirling through the sand and then playing skee ball and frog bog!  The photos are way too cute and I can’t wait to edit them.

Last week I almost mentioned a new job opportunity as one of my two bits and I wish I would have because you could have had a good laugh because I already got fired! Yep. Got a job. Lost a job.  I make an income as a freelance photographer and most times it’s good fun and sometimes it’s a little stressful.  It can be hard work trying to schedule clients and gigs not knowing if a better opportunity will come along in the meantime.  You don’t want to miss out on gigs that will grow your business, but you always want to keep returning clients happy so you book even more gigs and referrals through happy customers. Anyway, I thought I would go ahead and book several videography events that I would file under ‘learning opportunities’ because I wouldn’t get paid my usual rate, but I would gain some valuable experience shooting video. In the meantime, an architectural photographer that I consistently work with asked me to travel to Texas for a shoot during one of those video days that I had just booked, I’m talking yesterday. So, I call the videographers and ask if I could possibly reschedule and if not I would be glad to do it. They called back and told me how unreliable I was and that they wouldn’t be working with me again in the future.  I’m feeling like I just got dumped over here. I guess a trip to Texas will do me some good. Yeehawwww! Got any good recommendations for Houston? Happy Friday folks and have a great weekend!

Two Bits

Instead of the usual links posts, each Friday we’re going to start sharing some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share your a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Katie here:



I learned the hard way to keep the expensive electronics out of little A’s reach. He was able to pull my purse off the table, and it fell with an extremely hard thud. I realized right away that that thud was my camera, and sure enough, I turned it on and the screen was most definitely broken. Bummer! On the bright side, the camera was well-loved and used hard for over four years, so I didn’t mind upgrading to the newer model (it really is such a great point and shoot that there was no question about ordering the same one!). So this week was spent testing out the new camera and snapping some pictures of the sleepy little guy at the park!

If you follow us on Instagram, you saw that I roasted veggies (sunken butternut butt for the win!) to make a soup. A recipe that we’ll definitely share sometime this fall. While chopping the vegetables, I was thinking about how much I missed not having a farm share this year, but was feeling excited to sign up for one next summer. As luck would have it, Calder’s new workplace sent around a memo today saying that people could still sign up for a farm share that would be delivered to their office every week from now until mid-December. We’re signing up for a share and I’m so excited for the first delivery!

Sarah here:


Katie’s two bits definitely prevail this week, (not that it is a competition!) but how cute is that photo of the little camera smasher?! This week I returned to North Carolina in time for the Autumn Equinox.  Just like the trees, I’m shedding my leaves and getting rid of anything that no longer serves me.  I’m sifting through my belongings and getting rid of anything that I haven’t used, looked at or worn this past year, including my very first car!  I’m so sad to see the Red Hawk go even though it caused a lot of frustration and worry during the last months that I drove it.  Did you have fond feelings of your first ride?

In other exciting news, I found a new apartment!  My lease is up in a couple weeks and instead of renewing, I’m moving to the country.  I’m moving ten minutes from town, out of the townhouse and into a duplex with an enormous yard.  I’m beyond excited to put the space to use. I have big dreams of planting veggie gardens, raising bees and building chicken coops.  Ca$h the dog is going to love romping around in the woods and causing all types of mayhem in my new little neighborhood.  Oh and the boyfriend and I will never have another fight again because our new place has a dishwasher. Thankkkkk youuu apartment gods! (I believe they’re called landlords)



Two Bits

Instead of the usual links posts, each Friday we’re going to start sharing some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share your a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Sarah here:



I went on a great 6 mile hike in Boulder this week.  My brother and I hiked Bear Canyon and then up to Mallory Cave.  The cave was closed due to the threat of White Nose Syndrome, but the landscape surrounding the cave was just as captivating. Unfortunately it has been a bit stormy here and we haven’t hiked as much as we wanted to yet.  This weekend is supposed to be beautiful though!

Katie here:


With the babysitter here and my day’s work running on the computer, Sarah and I took the opportunity to visit a local kombucha tap room. I usually buy a single bottle of kombucha at a time and never am adventurous to try some of the more exotic flavors, so this was a fun opportunity to compare flavors and find some new favorites. This experience deserves its own post with plenty of photos to share and a discussion of the great flavor combinations and our friendly waiter/kombucha brewer. More on that soon!