Morning Brew

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How are you handling the news lately? It’s a bit much, isn’t it?

I typed this post, added a few images and realized that it looks like it’s sponsored by the Morning Brew. Ha! It’s definitely not, but I do want you to sign up for this news service. Read on to see why. 

We don’t have a TV in our house. It sounds crazy to most people, but works out well for us.

The downsides are that we can definitely feel out of touch with popular culture. We don’t have the 411 on the latest shows, and we definitely don’t know what movies are coming out. It can be a pain in the butt to access universal TV moments (like the olympics). And sometimes, like at Christmas, I miss not being able to tune into the holiday movies that everyone else is watching.

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The upsides are numerous, but primary among them is that we never get caught absentmindedly watching it or relying on it to keep the kiddos occupied. We have more free time in the day, and we have to be creative in order to keep ourselves entertained. For us that means more crafts, more games, and more time outside. And perhaps the most important upside at the moment is that we don’t get caught up in the hysteria that the 24/7 news and talkshow cycles can cause.

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BUT for all of the ups and downs, I still want to know what’s going on in the world. I listen to NPR at different times throughout the day, and we have an online subscription to a few news sources, but still, I wanted a summary of the news delivered to me. And that is what I get with the Morning Brew.

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When you sign up, you get an email sent to you every morning. It’s not too dense. The topics covered each day vary, as does the amount of coverage for any given topic. For example they may spend a little bit more time covering what’s going on in a particular industry and then give you a few bullet points to cover other topics of importance. They often include something fun, like The Ocho quiz pictured above. And they will give you links to stories by other news sources so that you can read more.

All in all it’s an entertaining read that does make you a little bit smahtah. 😉

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