Simple Stitched DIY

The countdown to Christmas is on!

Today we’re sharing a super simple and sweet DIY gift.


For these towels, I had Alex write the word LOVE on a piece of paper. We did this project a year ago to give last Christmas, and it was when he was still learning to write. You can see that I wrote “love” in the upper left corner of the paper as a guide. In my opinion his creative writing gives these towels a pile of personality and will always help us remember the phase when Alex “tied a knot in his Os to keep them closed” and made “ladder Es”.





  • Determine your design. It can be a simple word, phrase, or line drawing. You can do something more complex, but our goal is to keep this project simple!
  • Using the chalk pencil, trace the design onto the towel. For these darker towels, I found it easiest to hold the design and towel up to a window for tracing.
  • Embroider! You can use any stitch you prefer, and there are complete stitch dictionaries that will help you pick the right stitch for your project. For this project, I used a stem stitch, which works great for both straight and curved lines. And you can see that I took some artistic license with Alex’s original work, straightening and extending a couple of the lines in the E in spots where he ran out of room.
  • Once your project is complete, iron it.


Of course, these projects make great gifts on their own. BUT since they are for the kitchen, they are also the perfect compliment to a nice mug, fancy soap, or a beautiful cheese spreader.


If you enjoy this project, make a few extras. These are great to have on hand as a hostess gift.



On top of their simplicity, these this project doesn’t cost much and can be paired with something for the kitchen for a nice DIY touch.

Rolled Beeswax Candles

Honey is our ingredient of the season(s). You can find our archive of honey posts here. Today’s post is all about beeswax. If you have a supply of wax, you can also use it in potions, see our lip balms, sunscreen, wood balm, and lotion bar recipes.


Hello Friends! We’re just back from our bi-annual month-long vacation. Just like you, we never see these breaks coming, but we’re always so happy to be back!

So, let’s just jump back into. We’ll catch you up on our adventures in another post.

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Garage Top t-shirts!

Honey is our ingredient of the season this fall. If you can’t snag some Garage Top, head to the farmer’s market and make friends with a local beekeeper.

We’ve mentioned our brother and his delicious honey numerous times on the blog. In fact, last week he graced us with the shortest interview ever.IMG_8489
Sven is super generous when it comes to his honey. Passing out jars of the darkest, most delicious honey you’ve ever tasted. Needless to say, he’s generated quite a following. Other than photos of him and his hives on top of the garage, we didn’t have anything else that commemorates the honey we’ve come to love… until now.


We’ve made many personalized shirts and products in the past (you can see those posts here), so the general design and ordering process is pretty straightforward. These shirts presented a new challenge because I wanted to draw the design that would go on our shirts.

I used a few photos of the garage and hives as a guide for the sketch. Working first in pencil, then tracing the final design in black marker. Once I was happy with the design, I scanned it into the computer, and did a little bit of final cleaning up in Photoshop. I also used Photoshop to add the little sign with the words “Sven’s Garage Top Honey” above the garage doors.


As you can see in the design photo below. The lines aren’t perfect, and I’m sure there are many minor edits that you could do to improve this photo. BUT I always like to remind myself that “half done” is a style. HA! Only sort of joking. But really, I learned in high school art class, that perfection is hard to achieve, and if you go for effect, you’ll be a lot more content with your work. I wanted something that looked hand drawn (because it is) but that also was a good approximation of Sven’s Garage Top set-up. As you can see, once these wonky lines are printed on a shirt, the effect is awesome.


I ordered these through Custom Ink. We’ve used this company in the past, and have always been happy with the results! This time I needed some assistance with a few aspects of the design, and was particularly pleased with how everything turned out.

The first issue we had was that we were ordering a wide range of sizes from youth XS to adult XXL. Custom Ink screen prints the designs on the shirt, so they have to make a custom screen for your design. As a result, the design will be printed the same size on all shirts. For us, that would have meant a smaller design (to fit the youth XS shirts), but it might look too small on the XXL shirts. BUT, for a small additional fee, they can create two design sizes for an order. We had them print the smaller design on the youth shirts and the larger design on all of the adults shirts.


The second issue was a minor one related specifically to the design. After you submit your order, you’ll receive proofs by email. Honestly, most times I place an order, trust that it will be done well, and don’t spend time reviewing everything (blame it on either laziness or #momlife). Fortunately, this time I opened the email, saw a small area of the proof that didn’t match with what I had in mind, and called Custom Ink right away. Their customer service is so awesome that someone answered my phone, was able to see the same issue that I saw, and fixed it ASAP before any more work was done on the order.


Last week, while visiting Sven’s Garage Top hives, we were able to surprise everyone with the shirts!

Honey Face Wash

Honey is our ingredient of the season, and you can find our full archive of honey posts here.

After a bit of trial and error, I’ve finally narrowed in on an all-nature, DIY face wash that I’m loving. It contains honey + a number of other ingredients that combine to create a gentle exfoliation for your skin without a sticky mess. Seriously!

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Before the Honey Bee

It’s National Pollinator Week! Did you pick up some local ingredients to make your own pollinator power salad?


Originally I was going to write a post all about honey bees because they are fascinating creatures. We can’t talk about large-scale commercial food production, without acknowledging our reliance on bees. And if you want to really think about how intimate our relationship with honey bees is, just remember that we eat their vomit and enjoy it! If that isn’t fascinating, I don’t know what is. Continue reading

Make with Me : Engineered Seams

Last year I started a series that I call Make with Me. The name is a bit misleading because I don’t really allow for us to make the same project concurrently, instead, I share projects in their finished state.  Most of these projects use other designers’ patterns, so I can’t even share a pattern or tutorial. Instead, I give you the project details, helpful hints, and links to the patterns and materials.


My new favorite sweater is this way… Continue reading

Eggsperiment Time!

Eggs are our ingredient of the season. You can find our full archive of egg posts here.


Today we’re excited to inject a bit of science into this ingredient series!

You may know this as the “Naked Egg Experiment”. You may have even done this experiment as a kid. In this post we take that basic experiment and add a few more fun steps.

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Dyeing Eggs the Naturally Crazy Way

This post was originally published in 2014, but we still dye our eggs the same way – with whatever we can find in the kitchen!

My title is a play on Sarah’s post. While I also used kitchen ingredients for my dyeing (purple cabbage, purple onion skins, turmeric), you’ll see that somehow the whole process ending up being a lot less pretty and a lot more crazy. BUT! I think I learned a few things that will improve the process next year and may help you too.


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Cocoa Mint Lip Balm

If you’d like to see more of our DIY beauty potions, click here. You’ll find everything from deodorant to face oils and body scrubs to customized perfumes. Here you’ll find our recipe for a DIY floral lip balm.

Today I’m sharing the most scrumptious yet simple lip balm recipe.  The addition of comfrey and calendula-infused olive oils adds creates a super nourishing base. The blend of unrefined cocoa butter + peppermint essential oils produces an amazing scent.


I’ve talked in greater details about essential oils in this post. This post reiterates many of the lip-balm making tips that are also discussed in our floral balm post.

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DIY Trick : Yarn Wrap

It’s been a while since we’ve done any sort of DIY craft post! We’re definitely making like crazy, so that’s no excuse. If anything, it means that we have a backlog of Make with Me posts to work on.


Well, the DIY drought ends today. I recently learned a great way to wind yarn around an object and tie it off without any tricky knots or loose ends. This is so simple, and for some of you, this may already be a tool in your DIY toolbox, but I’m hoping that there are a few of you that will appreciate this new trick as much as I do.

Click on for our step-by-step guide and a short list of places where this technique may be useful.

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