Waste Less Wednesdays: Repurpose Those Plastic Clamshell Containers

Many Wednesdays this year we’re checking in to share how we’re reducing our environmental impact. Some of these ideas are big and require a bit of effort. Others are super small and simple, like this one. But we believe that they all make a difference.

While we try to buy from farmers markets as often as possible and altogether avoid the plastic clamshell containers that house berries, we aren’t perfect. We suggest reusing old clamshell containers to give them a longer lifespan before tossing them in the recycling bin. It feels like such a waste to turn around and recycle the containers, especially when they could be used to pack other foods first.

There are many, many ways to reuse plastic clamshell containers, but I’ve found three ways to reuse plastic clamshells that I consistently rely on.

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Easy Date & Nut Energy Balls

Looking for another nut and fruit snack? Try these nut & fruit bars!

My kids love store-bought date & nut energy balls. I’ve never bought any, BUT some of our play-date regulars often have plenty to share. 🙂

Since these treats have such a simple ingredient list, I thought it’d be fun to try making some at home. Turns out they are super easy to make and easily customizable. I hope you enjoy these energy-packed snacks as much as we do.

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Waste Less Wednesdays: Join Your Local Buy Nothing Group

Many Wednesdays this year we’re checking in to share how we’re reducing our environmental impact. Some of these ideas are big and require a bit of effort. Others are super small and simple. Today’s Waste Less Wednesday is a simple shift of habit, but we believe they all make a difference.

Do you know about the Buy Nothing Project?

We are big fans. Each group is hyperlocal. In short, you’re gifting and receiving items from those in your own neighborhood! The concept is simple: Buy Nothing.

Katie and I are both members of Buy Nothing Groups on Facebook. You are only permitted to join one Buy Nothing Group and it’s based on your home address. The groups’ radius is determined both by density and proximity, which means Katie may have a little further to drive to pick up or drop something off since she lives in a more rural location in the mountains, whereas I can usually walk the 2ish miles to a gifter or recipient’s house because I live in a more densly populated area.

You can be a gifter or a receiver. You simply post a photo of the item(s) you’d like to gift. Or you can also ask for items you’d like to receive. The beauty is that most people are both! You’d be really surprised what types of items are given away. You’d be even more surprised by the random huge asks that are nearly always answered. In my Buy Nothing group, I’ve seen someone ask for a dryer and receive a really deluxe washer and dryer!

There are a few reasons why we really enjoy being apart of the Buy Nothing community. First, it really is a community! It’s really heartwarming to see people giving and receiving day after day. It’s also nice when you get a chance to meet your neighbors during an exchange. Many folks coordinate porch pickups because of COVID, so if you’re the busy, shy, private, whatever else type, know that you could always arrange a contactless pick up. Katie had a really cute community-makin’ experience, read on to see what happened.

Second, it saves me a trip to the thrift store. There are so many awesome and so very random things I want to purge on a monthly basis and it’s nice to know I can gift them directly to the person who’d enjoy them without money exchanging hands.

Third, it helps reduce waste! There are lots of items that may seem like trash, recyclables, or plain old junk on Buy Nothing, but you know what they say, ‘one person’s trash is Alex Max’s another person’s treasure,’ (truly, Katie’s kid will pick up any refuse he sees on the ground). Even cardboard, plastic milk jugs, and ziplock bags get a second life on Buy Nothing. It’s an example of a circular economy at its best!

Fourth, let’s be real, we’ve gotten some cool shit! We’ve also given away some really great stuff. Here’s a quick rundown:

Kate’s given:

  • Baby carrier backpack
  • Sugar-free ginger beer (don’t you hate when you accidentally pick up the wrong product at the grocery store?)
  • Microscopes
  • A set of fireplace tools
  • Pressure cooker

Kate’s received:

  • Huge pulldown World Map – think 6th-grade geography. They retail for over $200!
  • An art supply bundle – the coolest thing about this bundle of quality art supplies? The next day the same woman who was gifting the art supplies had asked if anyone had an old pressure cooker, turns out Katie did, and so an accidental harmonious exchange was arranged!

Sarah’s gifted:

  • NuWave Oven
  • DIY Beer Kit
  • Brand new regift items
  • A variety of great clothing items
  • Flower pots
  • Books
  • Brand new dog collar, leash, and harness

Sarah’s received:

  • Cast iron frying pan – we wanted an extra for our camping bin so I was so excited to snag this!
  • VCR and a pile of animated movies – I picked these up right before the boys visited from CO and they absolutely loved looking through the pile of videos and picking their favorites for movie night.
  • Plants – people are always gifting plants from their flower beds and gardens.
  • Yogi toes towel – these are $80 new.

My favorite Buy Nothing story? There’s a woman in my group that calls herself the Baking Nonni and she makes the most delicious looking sweets, treats, and sometimes full-blown meals that she gives away to families in the neighborhood. She’s a true angel on earth and I just love seeing her posts every week.

Now go join your Buy Nothing Group!

Rhubarb Compote

We’re smack in the middle of rhubarb season. Have you picked any up yet? I can’t resist the dark red color of rhubarb stalks, and love pairing its tart flavor with something sweet.

Today we’re bottling up that pink + tart goodness in a compote. This will keep in your fridge for weeks and perfectly preserves this early summer gem.

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Waste Less Wednesdays: Repurpose Those Plastic Bags

Many Wednesdays this year we’re checking in to share how we’re reducing our environmental impact. Some of these ideas are big and require a bit of effort. Others are super small and simple, like this one. But we believe that they all make a difference.

Ready for today’s suggestion? This one may make you laugh.

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