Happy (Valentine’s) Day

We’re heartbroken over the death of John Prine, so today we’re re-sharing one of our favorite Prine songs. We originally shared this song for Valentine’s Day 2017. This song is also included on the Valentine’s Day playlist that we put together in 2014.

In Spite of Ourselves by John Prine. xo

I hope you all have an OK day, in spite of yourselves.

Weekend Cinnamon Rolls

cinnamon_rolls5 We’re calling these weekend cinnamon rolls as a formality. But seeing that we’re all in the same crazy boat, we know that every day is a weekend! Ha!

JK. There are no weekends, just days. They don’t have names any more, and we’re just fine with that. To celebrate, bake up a pan of these on… day. Either this day or that day or the other day.  Continue reading

Getting Outside : Kids Edition

This post was originally published as part of an ongoing series where we share ideas, big and small, for getting outside. Our first post shared a few ideas for getting outside at every energy and adventure level. Sarah followed-up with suggestions for week-day doses of outside time. We also wrote another post that suggested taking advantage of the awesome national and state park programs.

We’re republishing the post because we realize that everyone is social-isolating at home with their kids for an extended period of time. With all of those hours together, this is the perfect opportunity to create new, healthy habits. Something we’re passionate about is spending time in nature with Alex and Luc.

Have you seen the headlines?


Honestly, this shouldn’t be that hard of a task, but in the craziness that is life getting outside with kids can be hard. Here are our tips for helping to get you and your kids out the door and into nature. Continue reading

Reading with Kids: Math Games!


These are some of our favorite out-of-print “thinking” books.

The back of the books say: “This is not a mathematic book in its usual sense; it is a book about thinking. It is about perspective, and about abstracting to look at things in a new way.” That simple description concisely explains why I love them. These books are unlike any typical math book.

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