We know, we know, we told you that there was going to be a photography tutorial today, but we couldn’t help ourselves, we had to update you on Alex’s stripe party! The little guy is turning one on Friday so we gathered the family together for a stripe celebration.
Baby A looks great in stripes, which is how we came up with the theme. We also asked all of our family to dig through their drawers and play the part as well. Katie, Calder and Alex all matched in striped Old Navy shirts (Kate and Alex’s colors are now sold out). The rest of the gang looked great in their various striped outfits. The Easter bunny even dropped off party-appropriate footwear for all the guests! All the guests received goodie bags filled with striped candy, striped kazoos, stunna shades and a party hat. The instruments, shades and hats were an easy way to add to the stripe theme and the over all goofiness of the party. They also worked as great props for our photo wall. Katie simply hung strips of yellow crepe paper on a white wall, which I then encouraged everyone to pose in front of throughout the party.
Katie also put her own spin on this rosemary cocktail. We’ll be sharing our recipe soon so sit tight! How great are these red and white striped straws? They remind me of an old ice cream parlor. Oh and did you notice our cute striped coasters? I made them myself! I bought small cork squares, similar to these, and painted them with three coats of white acrylic paint
. I let them dry for a full day and then used masking tape to create several stripes across the coasters. I painted the coasters with three coats of blue acrylic paint
and let them dry overnight. I gently pulled off the masking tape and tada – one of a kind striped coasters! We also customized our wooden cake spoons
and goodie bags with striped washi tape.
We had a whole spread of food, but the house favorites were definitely our mom’s mac and cheese (I’ll twist her arm for the recipe) and ham and cheese sliders that Kate made. We also served the birthday boy a striped carrot cake with a big striped birthday candle and Yuengling ice cream on the side. Our aunt and uncle kindly brought us the ice cream that wasn’t available where Kate lives. We had so much to eat that at the end of the day there was still an entire bunny ice cream cake hanging out in the freezer! I bet you wish you lived near baby A!
great food, great family, great time, & great blog!!!
Keep them coming enjoy reading them.
thanks! xo
What joy expressed by Alex in that one picture!