Read With Me : Tao Te Ching

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Better pick up a book and Read With Me because these posts are not slowing down. I had just finished Mark Manson’s, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, and started reading You Are A Badass, but felt the need to pick up something else, something older, something a bit more philosophical and that’s when I found Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching in a thrift store.

I have been interested in Taoism ever since I read The Tao of Pooh last year. That was my first introduction and I must say, I’m happy I read that before the tougher to decipher Tao Te Ching. I actually just finished The Tao of Pooh again in January and it was even quicker and easier to consume than I remembered. I highly recommend picking it up if you are feeling in a rut or if your life seems like it’s not panning out the way it should.

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