Happy Friday everyone! Christmas is coming quicker than I can handle, so while I shop online today, I’m also going to whip up a few homemade Christmas gifts that everyone on my list will enjoy. I love giving and receiving edible gifts. Knowing the treats were made with love and care in someone’s kitchen makes them extra enjoyable. If you still don’t have a present for me, here are a few suggestions
Tag Archives: homemade
Homemade Lemonade,
Happy Wednesday! Making homemade lemonade is one of those super simple activities that I don’t do nearly enough. This past Sunday I reaaaaally wanted a treat, but I’m sure you remember that I’m saving up for a travel adventure, which means NO treats! At least no treats that I have to pay for. After gazing longingly into my freezer and still not seeing any ice cream, I spun around and spotted an enormous bowl of lemons on my countertop and that’s how this homemade lemonade recipe was born.
Homemade Lotion Bars
I feel like these homemade lotion bars should be rose scented to keep with this week’s unintentional theme.
Does your skin resemble dry, cracked, dusty earth? Mine does. It’s the worst, especially in the winter. Poor, poor me. No, but really, my entire body has dandruff and I know you probably didn’t want to hear that, but I said it. It is disgusting and it plagues me. Dry skin is the monkey on my back. You might think I’m being a little dramatic, but applying lotion six times a day (REALLY) is no joke! This is my life. Welcome. Instead of spending a quarter (maybe I’m being a little dramatic here) of my annual income on lotion, I mixed up a double batch of this homemade version and called it a day well spent. This easy lotion bar concoction only requires three ingredients! Yeah Kate, we know, your no-heat rosehip jam only has two. Congratulations. No, congrats to YOU after you read through this lotion bar recipe and immediately order the supplies. I applaud you. Happy moisturized skin to you my friend.
DIY Pore Strips
Kate and I are always concocting potions. You may remember Kate’s DIY dry shampoo, deodorant or her rosemary body scrub. Today we’re teaching you how to make homemade pore strips so call your girl friends and schedule a sleepover, because you’ll make more than enough for one nose!
Have you ever tried Biore pore strips? They’re the amazing! I mean, it is creepy how much I love seeing tiny stems of dirt, oil and blackheads, but it is also awesome knowing that the gunk is no longer in my pores. Even though I love the instant gratification of pore strips, I do have a few complaints. For starters, they are expensive. I don’t have a big budget for bath and beauty products so spending at least $6 ($1 for each strip) on a box of pore strips is an extremely rare occurrence. I also feel like I only have a 75% success rate with the store-bought strips. Sometimes they work SO well and other times they don’t adhere to the side creases of my nose, which is where I have the most black heads. When a friend told me about DIY pore strips, I decided to try them out for myself and share the results with you guys and gals.