Multipurpose Garment Rack

I’m turning 40 this year. And nothing says 40 like hitting “publish” on a post titled “Multipurpose Garment Rack”. So boring adult is the role that I now fill here. That said, please (I’m begging you) read on to find out why your house, apartment, and tiny house needs this garment rack. It’s the best boring-adult-thing […]

Make with Me : Engineered Seams

Last year I started a series that I call Make with Me. The name is a bit misleading because I don’t really allow for us to make the same project concurrently, instead, I share projects in their finished state.  Most of these projects use other designers’ patterns, so I can’t even share a pattern or […]

Welcome Summer.

Typically, the first Wednesday of the month is when we write a welcome post, sharing what we’re excited for,reminiscing about previous years, and looking at what’s changing in the natural world. Basically a little bit of looking ahead, looking back, and looking out. Yesterday I couldn’t come up with the words for a post. We’ve […]

Summer Quiche

Eggs are our ingredient of the season, you can find our full archive of egg posts here. This post was originally published in June of 2016. Follow our simple quiche formula, and it will make your mid-week dinners a piece of cake quiche. 😉 If you follow us on Instagram, then you may have noticed […]

Sarah’s Favorite Wilderness Reads

Happy Earth Day! I just returned from eight days in the Himalayas with no wifi and it was absolutely wonderful. During that time I spent hours each day reading. If you find yourself out in the woods or simply wanting to dream about them, here are a few of my favorite wilderness reads. I linked to […]

Retreat With Me in North Carolina

Hi friends! I’m hosting a retreat in the blue ridge mountains on June 21 – 23 and I want to invite you to come along. The retreat is mainly focused on enjoying nature and decompressing from life’s stressors. No crazy hand stands or hour-long meditation sessions included, simply relaxing and reconnecting with yourself among the […]

FriendRaising: How to Meet Mindful Friends

Last month, we had a bit of a friend-raising theme going. Katie shared how she started a Facebook group geared toward getting kids outside. She also did a feature on the freakin’ awesome cookbook club she is a part of. I was fortunate enough to attend two of those events and I can only aspire […]

Welcome April!

On the first Wednesday of every most months, you can find us checking in with what’s coming up on the calendar, both literally and figuratively.  Ahh April. Predictably for this time of year, I’m wondering how we got here. Weren’t we just slogging through the end of January?! At the same time, I feel that renewed energy […]