Daily Dose of Exercise

Katie mentioned in our Welcome May post that we have an exercise initiative this month. We are challenging ourselves to a bit of exercise every single day. Remember when we were encouraging you to Get Outside? Well, it’s as easy as that. We’re not running marathons or working on a squat max, we’re simply trying to sweat a little bit each day of May and beyond. I made a simple goal in my phone for the month: be too busy for Facebook and sweat enough each day that a shower is necessary.


Exercising is as simple as leaving your house and going for a walk. Start easy, start free.

You don’t need an intense workout plan and a protein smoothie to consider your activity exercise. Ease into this goal if you’re new to exercising on the regular. Make it enjoyable so that you stick with it.

  • Step out into your backyard or onto your city block and start walking. There you go, today’s exercise goal is started. Now keep going!
  • Pick activities that are free. You don’t need to pay for a walk. Shooting hoops doesn’t cost a dime. Dropping down in a plank while your kid is playing on the playground is free and potentially inspiring to other moms and dads.
  • Get to know your neighborhood. Where are there hidden opportunities for exercise? Maybe there are monkey bars at a nearby playground or a trail that needs to be hiked. Maybe it’s finally time to check out that rock climbing gym or the local yoga studio.

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Welcome May!

Near the beginning of every most months, you can find us checking in with what’s coming up on the calendar, both literally and figuratively.  You can find our archive of previous welcomes here, including May 2018May 2017May 2015, and May 2014.

Happy May! How are you feeling about it?

Usually, the spring weather, flower blossoms, and increasing hours of sunshine is enough to break anyone out of their mid-winter funk. Is it working for you? I’d like to say that it’s working for me, but this week’s snowstorm dragged us back into winter for a few days, and took me right back to 2017 when we got a few inches of snow on May 21st! Hopefully this year we’ll be planting flowers instead of shoveling snow at the end of the month.

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Retreat With Me in North Carolina


Hi friends! I’m hosting a retreat in the blue ridge mountains on June 21 – 23 and I want to invite you to come along. The retreat is mainly focused on enjoying nature and decompressing from life’s stressors. No crazy hand stands or hour-long meditation sessions included, simply relaxing and reconnecting with yourself among the trees. Learn how to adopt small changes throughout your day to attend to each moment with new love and appreciation.

I’ll guide a few meditations, and introduce you to breathing techniques. These are mindfulness tools you can take home to create a deeper connection with your true self. We’ll also work on soaking in the present moment. Allow yourself to disconnect and focus on the now. Leave your phone turned off, gather around the fire, and just be. Make new friends or dive into a good book or craft. Enjoy ample free time in the forest. This is what a weekend in the blue mountains is all about.

We’ll be preparing meals as a group, but obviously, no pressure if you don’t feel like cutting or cooking. By making meals from fresh ingredients as a group, we can discover new ways to enrich our diet, improve our everyday wellness, and adopt a loving relationship with whole foods.


The schedule is a little something like this:


Arrive & settle in. Self-guided grounds wandering. Welcome dinner and sunset gazing. Fire circle and marshmallow roasting. Evening guided meditation under the stars.


Meditation and pranayama (breath work) on the deck. Big delicious breakfast. Rest time. Guided hiking to a nearby waterfall & outdoor exploration followed by a picnic lunch on the deck. More rest time. Dinner and discussion. Stargazing + Yoga Nidra meditation. Fireside hangs.


Tea + coffee ritual crafting. Meditation and pranayama. Big brunch followed by outdoor exploration and closing circle. Check out early afternoon.

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So what do you say? Ready for a weekend in nature? Looking forward to relaxing while also moving about in the woods? Enjoy a guided day hike, a dip in the river, fire circles, star gazing, and sunshine lazing. Experience the positive and lasting effects of nature on your being. Retreat with me!

Find all the info about what is included and how to sign up right here.


Welcome April!

On the first Wednesday of every most months, you can find us checking in with what’s coming up on the calendar, both literally and figuratively. 

Ahh April. Predictably for this time of year, I’m wondering how we got here. Weren’t we just slogging through the end of January?!

At the same time, I feel that renewed energy and excitement that comes with warmer days, more sunshine, and the smell of wet soil after a good rain snow melt. Let’s not kid ourselves, I live in the mountains, and woke up to four inches of snow on Saturday. Fortunately, most of it had melted by Sunday night.


If I had to break the month down into a few common themes, it’s eating, getting outside, and observing the changing seasons… Continue reading

Seasoned View Vol. 34

Most months we share our Seasoned View.  Snapshots of nature taken by the Seasoned sisters. Find last month’s here and past month’s here.

Happy Spring Y’all! While it is snowing in the next county over (insert eye rolls) spring has certainly sprung in North Carolina. This past weekend has been filled with walks, hikes, and long runs in the sunshine. Everywhere I look there is a different daffodil variety in all its glory. The only bummer is the ever-looming threat of drizzle or downpour, so it’s unlikely that I have my DSLR with me. On Saturday, I enjoyed all the new tulips at Duke Gardens and I’m excited to take our sister, Kristin, there later this week to see what else is flourishing. I’ll report back via instastories – follow us here.

You can upload one or all of these photos to use as your desktop background or even as phone and tablet wallpapers.  Simply click on the photo and save in the next window or right click, save, and enjoy!

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FriendRaising – Start a Facebook Group

Since the start of the year, we’ve been focusing on monthly initiatives. A theme that sets the stage for some of the posts we’ll be sharing throughout the month. In January, we focused on good habits. During February we kept those good habits going with a particular focus on taking care of our mental health. This month, we mentioned in the Monthly Welcome that we want to put the focus on relationships, and in particular, to something called “friendraising” like fundraising, but with friends, ya dig it?

The communities we love to insert ourselves into are usually built around shared interests: cooking, hiking, parents, etc. Normally we find out about these groups through friends, community calendars, our city’s free weekly paper, or the internet, and sometimes we start our own groups.

Sarah started this series by discussing how and why to start a meetup group and do a little friendraising for yourself. Today’s post is very similar in nature. I want to talk about starting a Facebook group. BUT as you’ll see, my group is NOT about hosting events…

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FriendRaising – Start a Meet Up Group


Since the start of the year, we’ve been focusing on monthly initiatives. A theme that sets the stage for some of the posts we’ll be sharing throughout the month. In January, we focused on good habits. During February we kept those good habits going with a particular focus on taking care of our mental health. This month, we mentioned in the Monthly Welcome that we want to put the focus on relationships, and in particular, to something called “friendraising” like fundraising, but with friends, ya dig it? Here’s how to start a meetup group and do a little friendraising for yourself. Continue reading

Welcome March

On the first Wednesday of each month, we like to pause and take a look at what’s going on in the world around us.  We’ll highlight some nature and environmental news, give you a bit of inspiration, and ask you to partake in a monthly sustainability initiative with us.

That old “in like a lion” proverb is really ringing true this year! It looks like most of the country was hit by that big winter storm and an arctic blast last weekend… so, what did we do in our house? Stayed inside and ate LAMB!

Please tell me you get how funny that is. In like a LION out like LAMB. {Sarah here: Dude, we get it. Alternately, ‘Mom! You’re embarrassing me!’}
arctic_air_march Continue reading

Welcome February

On the first Wednesday of each month we like to pause and take a look at what’s going on in the world around us.  We’ll highlight some nature and environmental news, give you a bit of inspiration, and ask you to partake in a monthly sustainability initiative with us.


In the news

We love nature and we love animals, but we also love humans and we’re commending this 30-something man for fighting off a mountain lion and surviving the ordeal. Mountain lions are a big fear of mine (Sarah) even though I know it’s highly unlikely I’ll ever see one, let alone get attacked or killed by one.

Sometimes rationality doesn’t prevail. I think this is especially true in the case of snakes – did you know that only six people in the U.S. died last year because of snake bites? Six! Meanwhile, 39 people died of dog bites and we’re all like hell yeah, let’s invite them into our beds!

In our homes

This month we’re focused on staying warm and cozy. You could say we’re deep into the Hygge game. We are making plenty of time to bundle up and head outside, but once we come back in, we kick off our boots and promptly put our slippers on. Candles are lit, music is played, and golden milk is warming on the stove. A nice oil diffuser and heating pad also add a little warmth and moisture to my evenings. Curling up with a good book is my favorite way to spend all of February.

Of course, V-day is right around the corner and each year it serves as a reminder to buy organic + sustainably grown flowers. February and May continuously boast the highest flower sales in the United States.  Join us in this month’s sustainability initiative and give your Valentine and your mama flowers free of pesticides. Please buy organic, fair trade blooms, add extra karma points if they’re local. Next week we’ll share the scoop on why buying organic and fair trade is important, even when it comes to flowers. We’re hoping this will shift your (and your partner’s) habit for the rest of this year and your life. 🙂

In our backyards

We tend to agree with the Norwegians when they say, “There is no bad weather, only bad clothes!” Regardless of the weather, we make time to go outside each day. We know this is the only way to burn off our excess angst (and that of our kids and dog) and we feel better each time because of it. If you need a bit of inspiration to #OptOutside, remember that the Great Backyard Bird Count happens this month! This year it is February 15-18 and if you remember, participants are asked to count birds for as little as 15 minutes (or as long as you wish) on one or more days of the four-day event. The most important step is reporting your sightings online at birdcount.org. We are in, are you!?


In our hearts

February can be a dark month for many of us. When Cupid, love, and heart-shaped boxes of chocolate are everywhere we look, it’s no wonder we feel depressed if things are not going quite right. This month we are focusing on self-nourishment. Some peeps call it self-love or self-care and hell, it’s all the same, but in short, we are looking to things that are necessary to sustain our growth, health, and goodness.

Some days we’re focused on healing our bodies through food, exercise, and beauty routines, while other times we’re focused on personal growth by learning new skills, like how to successfully cook that recipe or knit that sweater, or write that book chapter, and sometimes we’re cultivating our goodness by sharing kind words with our friends, writing love letters to ourselves, and spending a few moments in silent meditation each day.

This month we’re going to share our little remedies and rituals that help keep our blues at bay. If you or anyone you know is suffering, please reach out to them, offer an ear and ask them to seek help, life is hard, but it should feel worth living.