Simple Strawberry & Greek Yogurt Popsicles

The temps were high in North Carolina this weekend.  It felt a lot like the middle of July around here.  I was busy entertaining a few friends and we all decided to check out a local bikram yoga studio.  Yep, we thought the smartest way to beat the heat was to enter a 115° room for ninety minutes.  Our moment of salvation came at the end when the instructor gave us each a cold scented towel and a freeze pop.  Those little frozen treats left us wanting more.  We took our time thinking about it by the pool and then came up with this simple strawberry and greek yogurt popsicle recipe.  With only four ingredients, there is really no excuse not to try this naturally sweet fruit pop.

It is best to use fresh and juicy strawberries for these pops.  Now is the perfect time to find a strawberry field near you!  There are dozens of you-pick-it strawberry fields near Chapel Hill and I think we found the prettiest one.  I enjoyed picking berries so much that I plan on picking some more this week!  You can’t beat paying $2.50 a pound for the ripest strawberries around.  If you’re looking for a fun activity this month, find a field near you!
Katie here with a few berry-washing tips:
  • It’s better to do a quick dunk in water or just run them through the faucet stream rather than to let your berries soak. If they’re in the water too long, they can absorb some of that H2O and their sweet flavor will get diluted.
  • Do you notice how your berries seem to mold much faster than other produce? Washing them is a great first attack to stop the mold, but even better is adding just a little bit of vinegar to your washing water. The vinegar will kill the model spores and, believe us, it will evaporate and won’t leave a funny taste on your berries. 
  • Finally, no matter your washing method, be sure to thoroughly dry your berries so that they don’t turn to mush in the fridge. Calder likes to put a folded paper towel in the bottom of a berry colander and just store the berries in there. The towel absorbs excess water and it evaporates fairly quickly in cold & dry fridge.

Ok, back to Sarah and the lovely pop ladies ~





  • 2 cups fresh strawberries
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 1/2 cup greek yogurt
  • Juice of one lime



  • Cut the tops off of two cups of strawberries.
  • Mash the berries for about a minute.
  • Add the sugar and stir.
  • Let the mixture sit for about twenty minutes.
  • Add the strawberries, greek yogurt, and lime juice to the blender.
  • Blend for thirty seconds to a minute.
  • Pour into the popsicle molds and freeze. Easy peasy, lime squeezey.

These pops are perfectly creamy and sweet.  They are sure to please a crowd of kids or for that matter, a group of gal friends.

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