Welcome May!

Near the beginning of every most months, you can find us checking in with what’s coming up on the calendar, both literally and figuratively.  You can find our archive of previous welcomes here, including May 2018May 2017May 2015, and May 2014.

Happy May! How are you feeling about it?

Usually, the spring weather, flower blossoms, and increasing hours of sunshine is enough to break anyone out of their mid-winter funk. Is it working for you? I’d like to say that it’s working for me, but this week’s snowstorm dragged us back into winter for a few days, and took me right back to 2017 when we got a few inches of snow on May 21st! Hopefully this year we’ll be planting flowers instead of shoveling snow at the end of the month.

Looking Forward

Right now I’m thinking about our garden, fresh veggies, and tasty new cocktails! This month I think you’ll see quite a few posts focused on the outdoors. We’ll share some garden projects, some drinks that are best sipped on the deck, and some outdoor adventures.

  • I’m always experimenting with our garden as I continue to look for the perfect mix of plants that add some interest to our raised beds but don’t require much water or care. Thinking about planting a few perennial grasses this year…
  • Next weekend I’m going to set up our vermicomposting bin. I’ve been hesitant to do it for the past couple of years because of how dry our climate is and because we’re away a lot during the summer. But I finally realized that those two challenges aren’t going to change any time soon, so it’s best to just jump in and solve my problems as I go! I was also motivated to get started when I saw that our local nursery is offering a vermicomposting class. I’m taking that class and picking up my worms there!
  • Speaking of gardens and slimy critters, I came across these patterns and want to knit up a few to surprise the boys.
  • We’re in the doldrums between signing up for a farm share and excitedly waiting for our first delivery. If you’re still on the fence about signing up with a farm, this post may help you.
  • Last month I tried my first cocktail that contained raw egg whites. It was this lavender lemon gin fizz. I immediately loved it, and ever since have been thinking about others that I want to try. Look out for a few more boozy posts this month.


Monthly Initiative

Sarah’s going to discuss this month’s initiative next week. We’re all about little (or big) doses of daily exercise, and there’s no better time to set that initiative than now when the outdoors are calling… or in January when the resolutions are calling, but better late than never, right?!

One of our absolute favorite forms of exercise is hiking. It’s what you’d expect, right? We love the outdoors, we love exploring new places, and we love moving our bodies. A good hike crosses off all three interests at once. You can find a slew of hiking posts here.

So…. go take a hike this weekend. <3

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