We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same. You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned.
Sarah Here :
Happy Friday friends! I hope your week went well. Mine was off to a bit of a bummer because I hosted a dear friend all last week and then woke up alone on Monday morning. Who likes that? No one, that’s who. After a Monday morning pep talk, I cleared off my white board and made a plan for the week. As a self-employed person, this is pretty much my only strategy for keeping myself accountable and on track with the week’s or month’s tasks. It worked pretty well this time around.
I updated my shop with so many colorful, precious, unique designs. I finished creating event pages for my Tulum retreat and my Nepal trek – you should join us! I did a bit of blogging and developing in the darkroom then I filled my moments with neighbor hangs, yoga, climbing and practicing trumpet.
I pretty much filled my lonely void by being productive, which I suppose isn’t a bad thing, but deep down, I can still feel it. Moving away from my closest friends and all my family was an empowering adventure and I couldn’t be luckier for where I ended up, but sometimes I really miss my buddies and babies. What are you up to this weekend? Hopefully some family and friend hang time?! 🙂
I’ve been boppin’ along to this tune all week :
Ps. I just bought this book.