Each Friday we share some tidbits from our week. We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same. You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned
Sarah Here :
Happy Friday! This is the first full week that I’m home and working since mid-December, so it was all about writing lists, cleaning up my office, and getting the ball rolling. Sometimes it takes me a few days to get into the mindset of doing computer work. Instead of writing or editing, I’ll find myself deleting every single unread email in my inbox or washing every piece of laundry in the house. My body is definitely feeling it too. When I lay down to go to bed at night, I find myself wanting Aleve or something else to numb the pain. I find that if I run through a round of bedtime stretches to relieve lower back pain, I feel decompressed enough to relax into sleep. My shoulders and neck feel most sore when I wake up, so I’m working on a little routine to loosen myself up in the morning before sitting back down for a day of editing, researching, and writing. Besides checking in with my clients and brainstorming ideas for the blog, this week has been nice and mellow and I’m hoping the weekend will be similar. I think I’ll work through the weekend, but take a little break on Sunday to help Clean Up Chatham, a weekly lake cleanup event that a friend hosts. I met that friend while volunteering on the Appalachian Trail last summer. See, there are plenty of good folks out there, if you’re feeling a little tired of your friend circle, go find them! Have a great weekend! XO