Two Bits

Instead of the usual links posts, each Friday we’re sharing some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives, and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share your a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Katie here:


I confess, I’m a dedicated holiday decorator. I know not everyone is, but I think it comes with growing up in the coal region where porches are decorated for every holiday, going way beyond the traditional lights at Christmas. So when October arrived I spared no time putting some fall/October/halloween touches on our mantel! With so few surfaces in our small downstairs, it’s great having the mantel to decorate, especially since it’s out of Little A’s reach. And speaking of the little guy, one of his first words was bird, which he loves to look for when we’re outside. As soon as he saw the crows, he was so excited that there were “burds” in the house and kept yelling “burd” as he pointed at them.

In other news – the Seasoned family is growing! We’re expecting another little baby to arrive sometime this spring in late March or early April. This week we just found out that it’s a boy, and we’re over the moon with excitement, but now we’re struggling to come up with a list of boy names. Look out for a few baby and mom-related posts on the blog :-)… and know that when I share my favorite sidecar recipe, it kills me that I’m not drinking it along with you.

Sarah here:


Last week it felt like fall and this week it feels like summer. Changing weather makes me realize how much I love it all! One day I’m excited to pull a sweater over my head and the next I’m talking about how great flip flops are.  The summer vibe I’m feeling may have something to do with the beach wedding that I photographed this past weekend.  A long time bestie of mine got married at the Jersey shore.  The bf, dog and I piled in the car and made the ten hour trip north.  We stayed at an airbnb and we were not disappointed.  If you ever find yourself near Tom’s River, NJ, stay with Keith! Back to the nuptials: all the weddings I shoot are fun and full of personality, but this one was so different than any of the others. The couple took their whole bridal party to Casino Pier (a stinkin’ cute boardwalk) to get photos taken.  We ended up running and twirling through the sand and then playing skee ball and frog bog!  The photos are way too cute and I can’t wait to edit them.

Last week I almost mentioned a new job opportunity as one of my two bits and I wish I would have because you could have had a good laugh because I already got fired! Yep. Got a job. Lost a job.  I make an income as a freelance photographer and most times it’s good fun and sometimes it’s a little stressful.  It can be hard work trying to schedule clients and gigs not knowing if a better opportunity will come along in the meantime.  You don’t want to miss out on gigs that will grow your business, but you always want to keep returning clients happy so you book even more gigs and referrals through happy customers. Anyway, I thought I would go ahead and book several videography events that I would file under ‘learning opportunities’ because I wouldn’t get paid my usual rate, but I would gain some valuable experience shooting video. In the meantime, an architectural photographer that I consistently work with asked me to travel to Texas for a shoot during one of those video days that I had just booked, I’m talking yesterday. So, I call the videographers and ask if I could possibly reschedule and if not I would be glad to do it. They called back and told me how unreliable I was and that they wouldn’t be working with me again in the future.  I’m feeling like I just got dumped over here. I guess a trip to Texas will do me some good. Yeehawwww! Got any good recommendations for Houston? Happy Friday folks and have a great weekend!

4 thoughts on “Two Bits

  1. You know what they say about doors closing but windows opening instead. Go breathe in the Texas air and have a great time at that gig! xoxox, have fun and safe travels

  2. Wow, I can’t believe that! Obviously they don’t know you and what a hard little worker you are… but really it kind of made me laugh that they jumped to such conclusions about you. Their loss!

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