Guys, this has gone on long enough and we have to take a stand. We are heartbroken, frustrated, and unbelievably angry about the current practice of separating children from the parents at the border.
So much has already been written about this issue, and honestly we don’t have anything constructive to add to the conversation.
A couple of bloggers that we respect wrote great posts about the issue. Please read their words to learn more about what’s going on and what you can do to voice your outrage and encourage your representations to take action.
And you still want to blame this on previous administrations? Or use a false “history” of separation to justify current actions? Please get your facts straight.
… what else can we say? xo
<3 <3 <3 We need more people to raise their voices against this unconscionable behavior – thank you for adding yours!
… and yet what a moment of feeling powerless! I hope our voices are heard loud and clear. ugg. <3