Each Friday we share some tidbits from our week. We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same. You are welcome to share a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned
Sarah here :
I’m back! Well, almost. I’m sitting in the Qatar airport waiting for my flight to JFK to take off. I’ve been traveling by bus, taxi and plane for 24+ hours by now and I still have at least 24 more to go! Channel the travel gods for me and make this a smooth and speedy return. Until I’m sitting on my couch with Catahoula Cash, I’m certain to be looking out the window missing all the beautiful friends and teachers I’ve met during this trip. Each time I travel it’s hard to say goodbye, but I’m officially deeming this the most heartbroken I’ve ever been while waiting at an airport. Sometimes you meet some really special people when you least expect it and saying c-ya later to them can really break you down. As I move further and further away from Nepal, I can feel the distance widening from my friends in Nepal, but….
Katie here :
And that’s where Sarah’s internet failed her. We’ll just have to fill in the rest of that sentence for her. I’m assuming that it goes something like this:
“As I move further and further away from Nepal, I can feel the distance widening from my friends in Nepal, but the distance to my family, especially my two uber-cute nephews, is shortening, and that feels so good.”
“As I move further and further away from Nepal, I can feel the distance widening from my friends in Nepal, but did you know that Nepal spelled backwards is Lapen?”
“As I move further and further away from Nepal, I can feel the distance widening from my friends in Nepal, but who needs friends when a PSL is waiting, you know?”
“As I move further and further away from Nepal, I can feel the distance widening from my friends in Nepal, but now they’re #internetpenpalsforlife.”
Who knows, but I’m sure she’s glad she wasn’t able to finish her two bits!
In other news, the boys and I are going to spend this weekend getting halloween costumes ready, making our own homemade PSLs, and hopefully spending a good bit of time outside. What are your plans?