Read With Me : Nature’s Healing Spirit

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Sup nerds? Are you Reading With Me this year? Last night, I finished two great books. Nature’s Healing Spirit being a quick, devourable read that I finished within three sessions of picking it up. The other, How Emotions Are Made : The Secret Life of the Brain took me nearly eight months to comprehend, and let me tell you, it was sad and shocking when the kindle book ended abruptly when my progress bar told me I still had 40% of the book to read – damn you Appendix A, B, C, and D! More on that read a different day, today it’s all about Nature’s Healing Spirit – Real Life Stores to Nurture the Soul by Sheri McGregor.

Nature’s Healing Spirit is a compilation of  33 accomplished writers’ experiences with the natural world. Some passages are straightforward, concise, and clear in tone, while others tiptoe into the narrative and only slightly pull back the shades on their personal lives. Some stories have a succinct ending while others leave you wanting for more. Luckily, each author’s piece is followed by a short biography where you can find other published works and their websites.

You’ll Enjoy Reading Nature’s Healing Spirit If :

  • You love nature.
  • You need encouragement to spend more time in nature.
  • You like travel writing.
  • You’ve experienced a hardship such as divorce, miscarriage, injury, death, or some other devastating event.
  • You want to develop empathy.
  • You are interested in wellness.
  • You are struggling with stress, anxiety, and sadness and you need a break.
  • You are a writer or aspiring writer and want to read over thirty accomplished authors.
  • You are looking for a way to start or end your evening. (Five or ten minutes is all you need for any one of these short pieces)


Again, I wanted to fill in the benefits of reading list I shared on the Read With Me post with actual examples from this book, Nature’s Healing Spirit – Real Life Stores to Nurture the Soul by Sheri McGregor.  I feel like it’s a good review and it tests my list and hey, it might possibly expand it too. We’ll see.

Why We Should Read More Often :

Expands your vocabulary and improves your writing

Nature’s Healing Spirit is a great case study for aspiring writers as you’re getting a glimpse at 33 different authors’ work. You can read each author’s unique way of structuring their nature narrative. You may gravitate to some more than others and then ask yourself what exactly you like about the way it reads.

Improves your understanding of the world

I’m already well aware of the way nature improves my daily wellbeing, but if I’m being honest, I’m quite lucky in this life. I’ve had close friends pass and of course older relatives, but nothing that quite rocked me, not the unthinkable tragedies that these authors are healing from. Hearing their stories and how time in nature nurtured them gives me hope and also a bit of guidance for myself and others when the unthinkable happens.

Prepares you to take action and create change

While reading these passages I felt inspired to continue with my Schu Tours meditation and adventure tourism work. The healing spirit of nature expressed throughout each story reinvigorated my drive to take people out into nature and encourage them to heal themselves with the help of mother earth.

Boosts your imagination and creativity and improves brain function

Nature’s Healing Spirit encouraged me think about my time spent in nature. It drew up specific memories and sparked faint stories from the past that otherwise would have been hard to recall.


A few favorite stories from Nature’s Healing Spirit:

I read this in chronological order and it was so hard to narrow it down to five, but if you’re looking for a few favorites to start with, try these:

  • A Walk to Divide Meadow by Nicola Waldron
  • Loving Stones by Kathleen Hayes Phillips
  • The Bottom of the Barrel by Larissa Hikel
  • Swimming by Sheri McGregor
  • Three White Pelicans by Stephen Lottridge

Books I’m reading now :

I’ll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman’s Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer by Michelle McNamara

And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini

Books I’m (kinda) reading now :

I left my bungalow in NC in early March and these books stayed behind, so I haven’t made much progress on them.

No Good Men Among the Living by Anand Gopal – I admit that I’ve only read a few pages of this.

You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero – I’ve read a chapter or two of this.

1984 by George Orwell – and maybe a chapter of this.

Books I’ve finished in 2018 :

How Emotions Are Made : The Secret Life of the Brain by Lisa Feldman Barrett – a post on this is in the works

Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching – here are my thoughts on this historic text.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson – read my thoughts on that here.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – read my thoughts on that here.

The Tao of Pooh & The Four Agreements – I read these again as part of Meditative Mondays. You should give it a go!

The Nature Fix – read my thoughts on that here.

Invisible Monsters – read my thoughts on that here.

The Sun and Her Flowers

Again, this isn’t a competition, but if it was……..

Pages read in 2018 : 2212ish

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