Love your mama.

The last Friday in April is Arbor Day, so go dig a hole, plant a tree and sip some iced tea. Many cities and states across the U.S. celebrate Arbor Day on different days depending on when it’s best to plant trees in that area. North Carolina’s was way back in March! Hopefully you didn’t miss your city’s, but if you did, today is the day! Plant a tree and get your kids, friends or community involved in the action.

World Water Monitoring Day was established in 2003 by America’s Clean Water Foundation as a global educational outreach program that aims to build public awareness and involvement in protecting water resources around the world by empowering citizens to carry out basic monitoring of their local water bodies. Participate in your home and community this year!

Clean Up the World is a community-based, environmental campaign that inspires and empowers communities around the globe to clean up, fix up and conserve their environment. Participate in an event in your community or start one yourself!

Car-free day encourages motorists to refrain from using their car for a day. Most cities have their own websites for car-free day – here is one for the world.

World Environmental Health Day addresses environmental health inequalities. While environmental health may be concerned primarily with the impacts of environmental stressors on health, these in turn are heavily influenced by and frequently reflect economic and social factors.

World Rivers Day is a global celebration of the world’s waterways. WRD highlights the importance and value of rivers and strives to encourage increased stewardship of the world’s rivers. Go out there and adopt a river 🙂