Happy Earth Day everyone! I’m so excited to be in Boulder for the week with Katie and her family. I typically visit at the end of April to celebrate Luc, Alex, and our Pop’s birthday. Without fail, it snows, but that doesn’t stop us from getting outside and enjoying a bit of fresh air everyday and especially on Earth Day.
Spending any moments in the sun, snow, wind, or rain is a required Earth Day activity, but today we also took a mini-adventure to the Ares thrift store here in town. A solid reminder to buy used whenever you’re able. Such an easy way to reduce the consumption and inevitable waste that we’ll all create during our lifetimes. Check our insta stories to see the great items we picked up!
We wanted to do a little bit of recycling and reusing this Earth Day ourselves, so without further delay, here’s a round-up of previous posts to inspire some action this April and beyond!
Pick Your Share! – Now is absolutely the time to join a farm share / CSA. Learn more here and pick your share OR make a commitment to visit your farmers markets several times per month. We are visiting the Boulder Farmers Market this weekend!
Donate With Me – Great reasons to donate your sh!t!
34 Alternatives to Single-use Plastic – I challenge you to follow all the suggestions on this post AND suggest new ones that I can add! I’ve already thought of one that I need to include in my next edit.
Five Best Earth Friendly Products for Outdoor Showers – No, you cannot wash directly in the river or even right next to a body of water, ever. However, these soaps and shampoos are biodegradable, meaning they can be broken down in the soil within a reasonable amount of time (about six months) by bacteria or fungus in the soil.
A Beautiful Book for Earth Day – The most perfect read for your little ones.
Our Favorite Nature Books – These are adult reads that we highly recommend. We cover the gambit from biographies to science to art and photography and more. Take a look and add these to your reading list today.
Our Favorite Wilderness Reads – Another list of novels, but these inspire you to really dive into the wilderness or stay safely in your bed and live vicariously through these books.
Podcast Suggestions: Earth Day Editions – Specific episode suggestions to inspire a great connection with Mother Earth. Bonus points if you subscribe to The Wild podcast hosted by Chris Morgan.
Why not shake up one of Katie’s fancy cocktails?
Spring of Deception & Pisco Sour seem like great options for this week!