Ingredient of the Season : EGGS!

That’s right, this month and next we’re focusing our attention on the incredible edible egg!

Of course, this is a great ingredient to feature at this time of year, with Easter just around the corner. But beyond that, I’m really excited to feature eggs because they are such a versatile ingredient.

I often take our featured ingredients as a challenge to try new recipes and ideas. This month we’ll bring you main dishes and desserts, side dishes and snacks, and cocktails! Yes, we’ll be cracking a raw egg into the cocktail shaker and giving it a go. If that’s not dedication to this little blog side project, then I don’t know what is. Continue reading

Welcome April!

On the first Wednesday of every most months, you can find us checking in with what’s coming up on the calendar, both literally and figuratively. 

Ahh April. Predictably for this time of year, I’m wondering how we got here. Weren’t we just slogging through the end of January?!

At the same time, I feel that renewed energy and excitement that comes with warmer days, more sunshine, and the smell of wet soil after a good rain snow melt. Let’s not kid ourselves, I live in the mountains, and woke up to four inches of snow on Saturday. Fortunately, most of it had melted by Sunday night.


If I had to break the month down into a few common themes, it’s eating, getting outside, and observing the changing seasons… Continue reading

Seasoned View Vol. 34

Most months we share our Seasoned View.  Snapshots of nature taken by the Seasoned sisters. Find last month’s here and past month’s here.

Happy Spring Y’all! While it is snowing in the next county over (insert eye rolls) spring has certainly sprung in North Carolina. This past weekend has been filled with walks, hikes, and long runs in the sunshine. Everywhere I look there is a different daffodil variety in all its glory. The only bummer is the ever-looming threat of drizzle or downpour, so it’s unlikely that I have my DSLR with me. On Saturday, I enjoyed all the new tulips at Duke Gardens and I’m excited to take our sister, Kristin, there later this week to see what else is flourishing. I’ll report back via instastories – follow us here.

You can upload one or all of these photos to use as your desktop background or even as phone and tablet wallpapers.  Simply click on the photo and save in the next window or right click, save, and enjoy!

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