Two Bits

Instead of the usual links posts, each Friday we’re going to start sharing some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share your a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Katie here:



A bit late, I know!

It’s been one of those nice and mellow weeks around here. A bit of work, a bit of fun, and nothing too hectic on the schedule. Little A and I had to run to Denver for a few errands, so we stopped at the zoo to give him a little bit of time outside the car. Of course he loved it, especially being able to run free on those wide open walkways. He’s also a fan of the giraffes, elephants, and big cats (when they’re awake and walking around, when they’re sleeping he’s not interested). Like many people, I have mixed feelings about zoos, but while there I try to focus on the work they do to bring people close to these wild animals, hopefully forming some bonds that will make little kids grow up to be people who care about conservation.

I picked up downloaded to my phone Gone Girl when we went camping a few weeks ago, not realizing that it was about to come out as a blockbuster movie (we don’t have TV, so we miss many of those movie previews that would have clued me in).  What a great book! I was reading it slowly for the first half, but as things have gotten crazy, I haven’t been able to put it down – staying up extra late to read it and squeezing in a page here and there when I have a free moment. I’ve avoided everything related to the movie so that doesn’t impact the story in my head, but I’ll be excited to see the movie when I’m done.

Sarah here:

I woke up around 5 a.m. every single day this past week! (Katie is probably rolling her eyes since her little one has her up at that time every morning) Waking up early goes against every grain in my body, but I happened to have five days of sunrise shoots all in a row.    Here’s the kicker though, after waking up so early five days in a row, I was so tired come the sixth day that I slept in and missed the lunar eclipse on Wednesday morning! So bummed about that.  Did any of you guys catch it?

Yesterday was another early morning as well. I flew into hot and humid Houston!  It was my first time flying Southwest in a few years.  Did you know that you pick your own seat?! It’s crazy. I checked in way early so I basically had first dibs, but I was feeling bad for couples at the end of the line. Middle seats allllll around.  I didn’t get to see much of Houston today because of work, but I should get a chance to walk around tomorrow. If so, I’ll get on the ball with IG, something I’ve been slacking on.  I did take one photo today, meet my new buddy Fajita!

Photo on 2014-10-09 at 17.20


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