Two Bits

Instead of the usual links posts, each Friday we’re going to start sharing some tidbits from our week.  We want to break down these internet barriers and invite you into our lives and we’re hoping you’ll do the same.  You are welcome to share your a bit of your week or day in the comments, or if they’re better represented by a photo, tag us on instagram @liveseasoned

Katie here:



I learned the hard way to keep the expensive electronics out of little A’s reach. He was able to pull my purse off the table, and it fell with an extremely hard thud. I realized right away that that thud was my camera, and sure enough, I turned it on and the screen was most definitely broken. Bummer! On the bright side, the camera was well-loved and used hard for over four years, so I didn’t mind upgrading to the newer model (it really is such a great point and shoot that there was no question about ordering the same one!). So this week was spent testing out the new camera and snapping some pictures of the sleepy little guy at the park!

If you follow us on Instagram, you saw that I roasted veggies (sunken butternut butt for the win!) to make a soup. A recipe that we’ll definitely share sometime this fall. While chopping the vegetables, I was thinking about how much I missed not having a farm share this year, but was feeling excited to sign up for one next summer. As luck would have it, Calder’s new workplace sent around a memo today saying that people could still sign up for a farm share that would be delivered to their office every week from now until mid-December. We’re signing up for a share and I’m so excited for the first delivery!

Sarah here:


Katie’s two bits definitely prevail this week, (not that it is a competition!) but how cute is that photo of the little camera smasher?! This week I returned to North Carolina in time for the Autumn Equinox.  Just like the trees, I’m shedding my leaves and getting rid of anything that no longer serves me.  I’m sifting through my belongings and getting rid of anything that I haven’t used, looked at or worn this past year, including my very first car!  I’m so sad to see the Red Hawk go even though it caused a lot of frustration and worry during the last months that I drove it.  Did you have fond feelings of your first ride?

In other exciting news, I found a new apartment!  My lease is up in a couple weeks and instead of renewing, I’m moving to the country.  I’m moving ten minutes from town, out of the townhouse and into a duplex with an enormous yard.  I’m beyond excited to put the space to use. I have big dreams of planting veggie gardens, raising bees and building chicken coops.  Ca$h the dog is going to love romping around in the woods and causing all types of mayhem in my new little neighborhood.  Oh and the boyfriend and I will never have another fight again because our new place has a dishwasher. Thankkkkk youuu apartment gods! (I believe they’re called landlords)



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