Top Five Travel Snacks

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A whole post dedicated to snacks. Silly? NOPE! I’ve done it before besides, I’m the grumpiest grump when I’m hungry, not only that, but I’m pretty much incapable of any sound thinking let alone making a decision so snacks are important. We need to talk about them. I conferred with my buddy Erin, who joined me in Thailand this past March, and we agreed on our favorite travel snacks. Erin showed up in Bangkok with a child’s daypack stuffed with snacks and teabags. I immediately gave her the props she deserved then we talked {snack} shop.

We settled on a slim list of five-ish snacks that don’t melt, smush or turn into crumbly crumby crumbs when shoved in a backpack. Snacks that are sometimes nutritious, but mostly just taste good and make us happy on the road. We tested the following options (and more) in the field and admittedly some of our favorite snacks didn’t make the cut, but when writing posts about snacks you need to be unbiased. We kept our wits and judged each snack with both our tummies and our brains.  Don’t worry, we got you. Here are our favorite travel munchies:
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  1. Triscuits : Perfect for those moments when your stomach is so empty it is eating itself. I usually find myself munching on triscuits when I know I’ll eat something substantial at some point, but it is not available at the moment. While we loooove Cheeze Its, they crush too easily. I know, we’re sad too. Original Triscuits it is.
  2. EPIC Buffalo Bars : I’m all about ’em. EPIC makes a whole variety of bars, but I’ve only had the Buffalo. EPIC bars are a quick and tasty way to consume protein and I appreciate the texture and lack of sodium compared to traditional beef or other protein jerky. EPIC bars also have a nice dose of Omega 3s and Iron, which is always an added bonus.
  3. Power bars + Fig Bars : Honestly, I switch power bars so often that it wouldn’t be fair to name one here. I’ve tried most of them and while I like ’em for a bit, I get sick of every brand and change it up quite often. However, I’m sticking with these fig bars. They are the perfect texture, consistency and sweetness (not very sweet at all); my favorite flavors are fig, blueberry and raspberry.
  4. Nuts : You can never go wrong with a big ole bag of pine nuts. Some peeps also prefer a salted almond or even a flavored sunflower seed. I’ll stick to the roasted cashews and pine nuts, but don’t let me put the breaks on the flavor train.
  5. Twizzlers + Gummies : Sugar. Sometimes you need it. Erin loves Twizzlers partly because of nostalgia and partly because they’re freaking awesome, they taste great and they hold up. Oh and the straw thing, you’re never without a straw with a pack of Twizzlers nearby unless you’re about that pull ‘n peel. Erin can pack the Twizzlers and I’ll bring the gummies. I buy electrolye gummies or multi-vitamin gummies that way I get an added boost and a yummy treat.


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Erin & I, the snackers authors of this post.

*This post contains affiliate links – snack on.

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