International Women’s Day!

Hey there, we’re women. Hear us roar. See us move mountains. Read about the women who’ve inspired us.

What are we talking about? Today is International Women’s Day! We thought it would be a fitting day to talk about some of the women that have inspired us.

Of course, we’re so thankful for the examples of the strong, creative, industrious women in our family and community growing up (thanks mom! and flossie-mom!), but today we wanted to talk about some of the women that struck a cord within us and perhaps changed the trajectory of what we thought was possible, encouraging us to pursue our passions with even more vigor.

Katie here :

If you knew me as a kid, you might remember my love of The Parent Trap. I still have a deep admiration for Hayley Mills. How could she seamlessly play the twins in the parent trap so perfectly?! I watched that movie every weekend. Until I discovered Gorillas in the Mist.


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